@Ligue nationale de hockey

Quelle putain d’effondrement (je m’en sors)

Quelle putain d’effondrement (je m’en sors)



  1. Complete-Image6925

    I use aggression towards other teams to mask my insecurities!

  2. Muted-Bag4525

    if it makes you feel better the flyers were never meant to be a playoff team anyways

  3. ILSmokeItAll

    Injuries at the wrong time.

    What a season. Lose your starting goaltender to that nonsense, one of your top prospects Lindros’ you into a trade, big names on the shelf with injuries…

    Yup. Sucks.

  4. hollywoodhooks

    And about 4-5 of those games are definitely winnable games lol

  5. TodaysNHLaction


  6. Ketachloride

    He’s not even our coach any more and I’ve never been on an NHL team, and I’m scared of Torts right now

  7. don_johnsons_big_toe

    Interested to see how Philly feels, I love torts but did he tinker too much, or just running out of gas? I know the talking heads thought at beginning of season they’re a lottery team

  8. x_BlueSkyz_x73

    Crazy 5 way race for those last spots.

  9. Mymainacctgotbanned

    Losing to some bad teams…woof

  10. InternationalPost447

    Looks like a typical jets season lol

  11. jkman61494

    Torts gonna go from a Jack Adams finalist to fired in 3 weeks time

  12. notyomamasusername

    What happened they were #2 in the Metro for awhile and seemed to be piecing together something.

  13. Snow-Brigade

    They have 4 wins in 16 games since trading Sean Walker…

  14. HardOyler

    Yeah that’s tough. This time of year fighting for playoffs there is 5 of those 8 games you should be winning. 9-3 to the habs is just gross.

  15. Christank1

    Imagine being outscored 13-4 by the fucking Habs over 2 games lmao

  16. 360degreesofFUNK

    *Sabres have left the chat (for the 1947284729th fucking time)*

  17. Mountainman033

    Oof, how on earth? I know they’ve had some injuries & weren’t supposed to be playoff bound at the start of the year but damn man.

  18. NBA-014

    Heck – you could be a r/sabres fan like me…

  19. a7xgemzy

    Outscored 13-4 by Montreal in 2 games is something.

  20. Technical-Match-5202

    Theyve defeated stronger teams.. too bad they lost their mojo after losing Carter Hart

  21. Adam_Friedland_TAFS

    Should have won from Chicago down, maybe you get beat by the Islanders, sure, but yeah this is horrible

  22. hobbitlover

    Too good to tank, too bad to earn a wildcard spot to the playoffs. It’s like being friend zoned.

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