@Kings de Los Angeles

Sujet d’après-match : Kings de Los Angeles vs Ducks d’Anaheim – 09 avril 2024

2023021249 LAK perd, 1 – 3 .

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  1. Zanchbot

    I had a feeling coming into this one that it was a trap game. Kings fell right into it, they just didn’t even try. Straight up trash game by everyone not named Akil Thomas .

  2. GrassyKnoll95

    Kings and getting stonewalled by journeyman goalies. Name a more iconic duo

  3. Reasonable_Wall_4428

    Can’t win them all. Let’s get the next one. GKG!

  4. sophophora

    God I seriously can’t wait for the offseason.

  5. Consistent-Minute-40

    Ducks fans unironically shit talking and celebrating like it’s the SCF for beating the kings for the first time in 9 matchups while sitting bottom 3 in the standings is hilarious. Congratulations on beating the kings in regulation for the first time since 2021. At least their pathetic excuse of a baseball team lost.

  6. Thumper13

    That was…not great. Losing to the ducks is never good, but today. Fucking hell. They better come out with fire next game.

  7. OddPhilosopher599

    I’m not even thinking about the playoffs. It is all about steering the ship back this offseason and not botching this rebuild entirely.

  8. Nfiniteclouds

    Of the King’s remaining games that was one I did not anticipate them losing 🤷

  9. emiller7

    God I love not scoring goals against a backup goalie so much

  10. MediumRareSteak18

    LOL imagine being the GM and this is the exact team you created to win the cup. Like, no trades at all during the season (obv bc of cap reasons that RB handcuffed this team with). This was literally the team GMRB handcrafted. Fucking embarrassing. The whole franchise should be embarrassed with this season and this performance. Absolutely pathetic. Have not looked like contenders or even competitive since fucking December.

  11. RevRound

    I am going to pretend we threw it away so we could match up against the Canucks.

  12. ahr3410

    Absolute dogshit effort against a team you should roll. A whole lot of nothing burger shots on net.

  13. argotsato11

    Byfield missed the bus to Anaheim. He was a 👻

  14. WilliamandCharles

    Kings should be ashamed in themselves for whatever the fuck tonight was

  15. greygh0st44

    Seems like the boys somehow felt we were owed the game and didn’t come ready to play 60.

    Also, wish Nickson would SHUT UP about clinching a playoff spot until we have a decent lead in the third.


  16. killurbeer

    Too bad it wasn’t Gibson in net. Ducks really really really didn’t want to go 0-9. Oh well, we’ll whoop that ass on Saturday.

  17. zattk94

    That effort was dog shit. I want a coach that will put the fear of God into the team after an effort like that. This close to the post season too. Un-fucking-acceptable.

  18. Vegetable_Safety_417

    Good thing the quacks don’t make playoffs or we might be boned😂 Move on and clutch post season, all that matters atm

  19. Edmuresay

    While I am quite disappointed, I gatta be honest… the ducks looked really good in this one lol. Gatta be the best game they’ve put together in a while.

    The kings played their game for 10 minutes and it clearly wasn’t enough. Fiala struggled mightily and the frustration in general seemed pretty obvious with the team. Hopefully they put it back together down the stretch here. GKG

  20. RoyalBassGrab

    Saturday better make my Mexican ass happy

  21. Expendable_0

    Can someone please explain this to me?

    PLD + Laf has been a garbage combo all year. When Denault was injured, the PLD, Moore, RV line was probably our best line. Moore and PLD especially seemed to do well with each other.

    Before Denault was injured, he clicked very well with Fiala for the few games they were put together.

    Am I the only one who saw this? Why are we back to PLD + Laf and expecting something new?

  22. RoyalRumbleSTi

    My Kings lost, my Lakers lost, at least my Dodgers won

  23. ApocryphonMD

    Madrid tied, the kings lost, well, at least the dodgers won!

  24. lockedoutdamnit

    What a piss poor fucking effort. Disgusted right now.

  25. therevolutionaryJB

    ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)uhhhhh I only caught the third. We look like we don’t deserve the wc spot.

  26. seabass4507

    Thanks Jarrett for confirming my spideysense that Akil plays a bit like Trevor Lewis.

    I like Lewis, probably more than most Kings fans, but that signing, with the glut of centers in Ontario ready to make the jump, just seems odd to me.

  27. Arabianking52

    How are kings even making the playoffs. I swear everytime I tune in they lose

  28. sashachenko

    Our goaltending inspires no confidence at all tbh. That’ll get Blake fired this offseason

  29. JustTheBeerLight

    I feel bad for anybody that bought a ticket to watch that shit.

  30. This type of effort is asking for a sweep in the playoffs…

  31. Q--Bone

    It’s like losing to the London Sillynannys.

  32. gaurkingsgaur

    Away the Dubois jersey goes until a playoff game. Bottom feeders had something to prove and the boys played to what they thought was the ducks level. Oh well, see em in the playoffs! Oh wait!

  33. mud_dragon

    To the rowdy kings fans in section 441, it was a good time and a good game (until the third period). Ride or die kings

  34. GB_Alph4

    Alright we can still make it just root for Chicago, Carolina, Seattle, and Dallas when they play the Blues.

  35. henreiman

    We lose one game to a team we’ve dominated who basically played like this was their Stanley Cup and the world’s back on fire here 🤦‍♂️

    Very enthused by the steps our youngsters have taken. I wouldn’t be surprised to see Lizzo walk in the off-season for cap space (and Kaliyev walks too but he’s cheaper) if Turc and Thomas are ready to step up, and that gives more space to sign a Arvi and/or goalie

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