@Kraken de Seattle

[Sound of Hockey] Pour ceux qui s’interrogent récemment sur l’utilisation du gardien de but #SeaKraken, Dave Hakstol a confirmé que Joey Daccord souffrait d’une blessure mineure et tenace, ils se sont donc davantage appuyés sur Grubauer pour cette raison.

[Sound of Hockey] Pour ceux qui s’interrogent récemment sur l’utilisation du gardien de but #SeaKraken, Dave Hakstol a confirmé que Joey Daccord souffrait d’une blessure mineure et tenace, ils se sont donc davantage appuyés sur Grubauer pour cette raison.



  1. surfingeagles

    I really hope he plays tomorrow. Joey deserves one more home game for carrying this team most games.

  2. Olbaidon

    Makes sense, someone asked about Joey in a different post and part of it is also likely due to Gru just having the hotter hand more recently.

    So why risk running Joey if he has a bit of an injury while your other goalie is hot at the same time.

    >Likely because Gru has had better stats lately.

    > They have both been doing great don’t get me wrong, but Gru has had the edge and is paid to be the 1A so if he is performing at 1A level he will likely get the start.

    > Last 5 **sarts** for each, both have 1 s/o:

    > Joey | 1-3-1 | .883 save% average | **1.8 goals against per game average**

    > Gru | **4-1-0** | **.924 save% average** | 2 goals against per game average

    > Gru has simply been better, Joey has slightly less goals against average, but that also takes into consideration that he only played 5 minutes of a game before being pulled, so if we did « Goals Per TOI » instead of per game they would be closer and/or Gru would be better in the last 5 starts. If we went to the last 6 games, their save% would be a little closer since that 6th game is when Gru was pulled, but Gru would still have a slight edge, and would have a better win-loss ration still.

    > Joey has been great this season, his stats are held up some by his killer streak in January, where as Gru’s are held back some due to his slump prior to his injury. Goalies go through streaks like other players and in the now Gru is just the better bet at this time, that could change at the drop of a hat though and we could get WC Joey at any point next season as well.

  3. Huggy4Norris

    So Hakstol played his goalie into an injury again.

    Shocked. :/

  4. soupyhands

    Gru played a masterful game last night, fully deserved first star even over Wright’s great game. Much as I love Joey it was very welcome to see Gru add to his shutout resume.

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