@Predators de Nashville

Les Predators de Nashville ont-ils atteint leur apogée trop tôt ? – Sportsnet.ca

Super lecture!



  1. artaiten

    Always appreciate any content we can get from Adam Vingan, always backs up his opinions with the data.

  2. blue_barracuda

    We haven’t even begun to peak. And when we do, all of Nashville will feel it.

  3. asphaltaddict33

    It’ll end in disappointment no matter what

  4. netherbound7

    Yeah I’m thinking they may be content with getting in. Slap each other on the back and say « well done, we exceeded expectations.. have a great Vaca ». But another side of me thinks O’Reilly has that M. Fisher competitiveness and that may drive em further hopefully.

  5. MajorPainInMyA

    I was thinking that they were during the streak.

  6. KaleidoscopeOk1346

    Unpopular opinion- The “peaking early” thing is stupid. You get lucky bounces, you get goalied. You are healthy, you get injured.

    We have been goalies the last 3 games. We have been playing some serious offensive hockey and it has opened us up to high danger shots. High risk high reward, we have been talking about this since the start of the season. We have been playing our style of hockey and they need to just stick to it.

    When we are putting up 40 shots and an opposing goalie has a gsae +4, you are doing something right. That’s not junk shots. That’s dismantling a defense and a goalie is bailing them out.

  7. MusicCityJayhawk

    I don’t think we peaked early. I think that the « Relentless » effort has left us tired. I think we are running out of gas.


    * If we didn’t become « Relentless » we wouldn’t have made the playoffs.
    * Every team is running out of gas heading into the playoffs, not just Nashville. So we still have a punchers chance.
    * This team learned how to win together and gained confidence.
    * We beat just about every team considered a cup contender during the point streak, so we know that when we play our best we can beat anyone.
    * Saros is still playing well even though the « run support » isn’t there, and he is the most important component of a potential playoff run.
    * If the seeding holds, we will face a Vancouver team that is also not playing their best hockey right now. They too have taken a small step back.
    * We not only learned how to win, we learned how to come from behind. Earlier in the season, we would give up once we are down by a goal. Now if we are down by four goals we still believe we can find a way to win. There are not many teams who believe this.
    * Vingan just gave the Predators bulliten board material.


    * We may not have enough gas to bring the cup to Nashville this year.
    * Nashville is not going to sneak up on anyone during the playoffs. No one wants to face us in the playoffs.
    * I don’t know how many years we have until players’ age becomes a factor. Our best players are all on the wrong side of 30. So they need to make it happen this year if they can.

    I don’t think any of us expected to win the cup this year, so this season will still be considered a relative success as we have exceeded expectations. This season has taught us the importance of conditioning with this offensive system, so it is my hope that the team can spend this off season working on conditioning so they are better prepared for next year. Metaphorically speaking, I believe with this offense you need to train for a marathon instead of for a sprint. We will never be able to beat teams like Colorado or Florida in a sprint, but we proved that we can out pace anyone for an entire game. 15 playoff teams will have « peaked too early » this year when only one team raises the cup, so I don’t know why this article is getting anyone worked up.

  8. TalkingChairs

    They just can’t let us enjoy this, can they?

  9. kuzcospoison

    As if teams choose when to peak or have any control over it more than they already do to just win games.

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