@Red Wings de Détroit

Patrick Kane et Derek Lalonde mises à jour sur la pratique | 10 avril 2024

Patrick Kane et l’entraîneur-chef Derek Lalonde parlent avec les médias après l’entraînement des Red Wings le mercredi 10 avril 2024.


  1. gotta give him another yr or two now hes a big part of this team even if they make the playoffs or not going forwards! 🤗😊👍

  2. Why do these wings reporter feed easy questions to the coach? I can't stand Helene. Like why bother scoring in the last second? Really?

  3. We can take on any team and beat them! We can lose all 4 if our remaining games, Win a middle amount of games, or even win all 4. I sure as hell know this team is ready go to war in our remaining games.

  4. This team is done for the season. Kane will not in my opinion stay in Detroit.

  5. As a lifelong Wing fan, l haven’t felt this bad during all the years with Blashill, as l do with this coach.

  6. Not surprised that Kaner sounds deflated and ready to jump ship. But if they win 4 and the rest of the teams come through for the Wings it will be the Playoff miracle. The question is if this team is ready to go… Now it looks like they all signed off and look to a long R&R. I have a hard time seeing us crush Pittsburgh

  7. time to face it fam – Larkin is a second line center at best and definitely not captain material. this team should be amazing on paper – building on a weak foundation never ends well. and before any of the sheep say "we sucked without him!". yeah bro – a true leader creates other leaders. that clearly isn't happening.

  8. Anybody who trashes Lalonde is absolutely wrong. You are not a red wing fan, you are placing blame just because. You do not know hockey

  9. Definitely Kane will come back He knows that this team has all the necessary traits for being good to great to championship in 2 to 3 years. This year looks like players had good chemistry and if most of these players come back, they can really go to 2 rounds next year. We can also sign Sidney crosby next year since he will be a free agent in 24

  10. Kane is definitely peacing after this season. Unless we dump some of these “veterans” to free up cap space he’s out. I’m glad we brought up Aston Reese though. He will definitely help this team. Lolololol

  11. If he's not gonna shoot the puck, and if anything get assists off a rebound then there was no reason to bring him in. He needs to be the guy who won against Flyers. Shoot first always. The fact that he holds the puck as long as he does for a pass that most of the time isn't there is a joke. He is a player who should have at least 37 goals in a short season that he's had.

  12. Kaner & Coachy Val Lal’s the best lmk if u won me two pay homage inn assassins creed Ubisoft Montreal tsé four achievement points

  13. Glad the clown organization decided to bring up Anton Reese instead of kasper. Wouldn’t ever want to bring up some young potential talent now would we! Delete this disgusting franchise. I hope none of their prospects sign. They deserve better than this brain dead trash organization

  14. I think Kane will resign. He seems to like it here and is in a good leadership role. I think playoffs or not a new coach is needed to really instill some consistency with this team but the roster will def be better next year.

  15. La L isn’t it anymore. He sounds depressed af as a coach. Gives me so much confidence lol. Wonder what the players think. I think we are seeing it. NO CONFIDENCE.

  16. They dont like the Red Wings but that's got nothing to do with you guys
    Those old teams beat lots of their teams so you got no chance
    You guys werent on those teams
    This is your team boys to take wherever you want to go
    Snap to it around 6 oclock Skatin and shootin like a missile Ive seen it all season
    Captain Canada Be ready boys You got this

  17. Feel sorry for Copp; hoping he gets over that injury soon, but he needs to find another team to pay for next season along side Lalonde finding another job after this season is over. The Wings blew it, even if they make the playoffs. They still blew it. There's no confidence going into the playoffs even if they make it in. The month of March was just too embarrassing to reminisce. These team was reminded that there is such a thing as playing defense and and setting up offensive plays when they brought up Edvinnson. It took a rookie to wake this team up in the short term. Now, with their backs against the wall, they're in line to blow a chance at getting into the playoffs this season. I don't think they do anyway, but even if they do, they'll likely be beaten in 4 straight, especially since Lalonde doesn't seem to have any sense of urgency. Regardless of what happens regarding the playoffs or not, Lalonde should not be coaching the Wings next season and several of the UFAs/Rentals, other than Kane, need to leave Detroit.

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