@Wild du Minnesota

C’est le visage des regrets

C’est le visage des regrets



  1. ToeKnee763

    And we still have another year of this

  2. AintIGR8

    No playoff means a change of leadership right?? Right ?

  3. schal138

    What exactly is it that you are saying he regrets? Buying out parise suter? I don’t think there is anything to regret there.

  4. RabbiGoku

    Colorado in is their championship window and had to tank some truly awful years to get there. We barely miss the playoffs this year and you guys are calling for his job? Yikes.

  5. _BeerAndCheese_

    No, no Billy can do no wrong, he is our Jesus of GMs in Him we trust amen.

    He only looks like that because he’s sitting uncomfortably on his BIG BALLS, remember BILLY’S BIG BALLS guys, it’s been a minute since we talked about Billy’s balls I really feel we should talk more about his BIG BALLS.

    Also, for daring to critique GMBG you are hereby branded a ~~heretic~~ Doomer, and must report to Happy Positive Rainbow Smiles camp, where you will learn to be a better fan by talking about Billy’s Big Balls more, instead of spreading ~~heresy~~ doomerism.

  6. echelon999

    Maybe he should stop handing shit contracts to old slow vets with NMC.

  7. Durantula16

    If you think BG is the problem, you have no idea what you’re talking about 😂

  8. cagethebat

    Regret what? This was the plan. Be competitive as possible to create a culture of ‘be the best you can be’ during the inevitable cap crunch years. Advanced stats say our skaters are good and our goaltending is aweful. For a team under the cap floor for like half the year, 83 points is very respectable.

  9. MightyMiami

    This team is going to be bad for a few years.

  10. PortugueseWalrus

    Found the bored Vikings fan thread. Can’t wait for next September so that we can have the sub back for a few months. 

  11. TheNorthernLanders

    You don’t understand hockey if you think we were winning a cup during these buyout years. Retool, develop and improve the squad that you have while you have negative factors at play for rostering a championship team.

    If you think the magic switch was going to be turned on before it was over, while cap strapped in ways all the other teams aren’t, maybe hockey isn’t your sport bud.

  12. BigMillmatic

    My cats breath smells like cat food

  13. durtmcgurt

    I’m still on team Guerin. We are on the right track, it’s just going to take a bit. I think if anyone really expected to win a cup with 15 mil in dead cap then who is the stupid one?

  14. mnpoolplayer22

    This year wasn’t great but they weren’t even the worst team and they have the cap issues along with injuries. Hope they get the young guys some ice time next season and when the cap issues are up they can add some more depth and hopefully some young guys step up.

  15. HurricaneHomer9

    I’m newer here tbh but I still have hope with Billy. He was given a team that was in a shitty spot

  16. KorppiC

    « I wish we would stop backing into playoffs just to get bounced in the first round. »

    « Not like that! »

  17. Kurt4413

    That’s the face of everyone listening to the ESPN commentary last night.

  18. -Principal-Vagina-

    Tell us you’re a terrible fan without telling us…. If you think he’s the problem you have no clue what you’re talking about.

  19. upnorth1234567

    Honestly, I almost think that the last 2 years this team has OVER performed. I think it finally caught up to them and injuries didn’t help.

  20. afkrealquick

    That’s the face of « one more year, just one more year… »

  21. MagnumAzzuri200

    Singing Foligno to that contract isn’t gonna help

  22. AintGotNoSeoul

    His eyes are like a huskies eyes when they freak out!

  23. wildskater96

    BG is running the franchise just like OCL likes it. We’re the Minnesota Mids forever!!!!

  24. sxenickyp42

    Face you make when Freddy has a few more years on that contract

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