@Canucks de Vancouver

Frank Corrado sur l’ambiance autour des Canucks & Rogers Arena, Silovs, maillot de skate noir pour les séries éliminatoires

Frank Corrado s’arrête avec son point de vue sur la fabrication du maillot de skate noir comme option pour les séries éliminatoires. Frankei enfile ses maillots préférés des Canucks, y compris ceux qu’il portait, Arturs Silovs jouant un rôle plus important dans le grand club, l’ambiance autour de l’équipe et du Rogers Arena, ainsi que les courses et le format des séries éliminatoires. Présenté par @ApplewoodAutoGroup (https://lnk.to/SPApplewood) https://twitter.com/sekeresandprice https://www.facebook.com/SekeresandPrice https://www.tiktok.com/@sekeresandprice https:/ /www.youtube.com/sekeresprice https://www.instagram.com/sekeresandprice 📧 live@sekeresandprice.com 📲 778-402-9680 https://www.sekeresandprice.com/ https://www.rinkwidevancouver.com #Canucks #VancouverCanucks #LNH #Hockey


  1. I only have the Orca Vancouver jersey. Love that it says Vancouver because that's home. But I could get behind the black skate for this playoffs.

  2. The skate jersey is the best, no one wants to wear John McCaw's corporate logo anymore. Skate full time.

    I will say that I like the original Skate jersey way more than the new ketchup and mustard version. And the og had white in the canucks part of the logo, which looked better.

    You can't find that jersey anywhere, they can't give away the orca jerseys.

    And the Johnny Canuck logo was used as the main crest for the second reverse retro, so again Matt is wrong.And the salmon jersey rules.

  3. Spencer Martin had a great start and where did that go? DeSmith is still the back up and a accomplished one at that. 3 bad games shouldn't sit him out. Silovs is bad with angles and not adjusted enough to the nhl speed and reads. geeze calgary lit him up for 11 goals in pre season. not to mention tolopillo was out playing him in abby. dont get to excited for him just yet. he still needs more time in abby to marinate.

  4. Silovs should be the back up next year. His performance this season has been quite surprising

  5. The original skate logo, where there is a white skate blade behind the Canucks word-mark is the best and works for both black and white jerseys. I don't know why they changed that.

  6. I'm one of the few that loves Johnny Canuck…a Canuck is a Canadian and what's more Canadian than the lumberjack on skates. It's the logo that makes the most sense. The team isn't owned by Orca Bay anymore which was a big reason why the Orca was chosen.

  7. Am I the only one who thinks Frankie should have a Canucks jersey on the wall behind him when he is on with S&P?

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