@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Les Coyotes déménagent en UTAH ?

#hockey #nhl #arizonacoyotes Des sources affirment que la LNH envisage de déplacer les Coyotes de l’Arizona à Salt Lake City, Utah, en raison de leur difficulté actuelle à trouver un aréna permanent en Arizona.


  1. Remember 2 months ago when there were a bunch of baseless rumors of the Jets relocating??? 😂

  2. i hope so cause im a flames fan from cgy who moved to utah a year and some ago. there are so many hockey fans here and they are dying for more sports here.

  3. I doubt the Coyotes are worth $1 billion.

    Since Phoenix doesn't want them have they considered moving to Tucson? It's a smaller town, but a town that really supports its sports teams. As a UA alum I remember the rivalry between Tucson and Phoenix. Tusconans would love to stick their finger in the eye of Phoenix.

    It's a long shot, and SLC is probably the better option. But if SLC doesn't work out why not Tucson?

  4. As a die hard Coyotes fan, It hurts and I'm still holding out hope it doesn't happen. I feel missled, but thats nothing new over the past 15+ years through all the different owners and failed ownership groups. News in town is the current owners will sell to NHL for $850 million to $1 Billion and buy an expanion team in a few years for about $700-750 million, but thats ONLY if an arena is built and ready. Saves them $100+ million overall. I'd actually love to see them back in Glendale at the fully functional arena they used to play in, but the city of Glendale and the arena are making a ton more money now than when the Coyotes were there taking up 21 weeks a year, which are now profitable concert/rodeo/special event/etc bookings. Overall, a sad situation. IF we get an expansion team, not sure if I'll support the new team or stick with the old team. I'll def continue to support the current team until then.

  5. As a Houstonian, pretty upsetting. Bettman had been pretty adamant that he wanted to make Houston pay for a expansion fee rather than move the team there. I believe SLC doesn't even have an NHL ready stadium? SLC residents can correct me, but I believe the Jazz arena would need renovations to meet NHL criteria. Toyota center is ready to go as is.

  6. I think a team inSLC would be awesome I also think it would suck to lose a team in phoenix which has had hockey for ever , minor league and NHL

  7. Yeah! We’ll take ‘em! 😆. And plenty of ‘Yotes in Utah so they wouldn’t even have to change the mascot!

  8. Totally for this. And while were at it, relocate the Panthers and Lightning too. Hell, maybe even the Stars and the Ducks. I would let the Kings stay in LA just because of how long they have been there. Hockey towns should at least be cold in the winter.

  9. Honestly I feel bad for the Yotes, this team has never gotten a truly good owner, imagine if things were stable

  10. Hope the Yotes stay around. I’m a Hawks fan myself but I still enjoy watching the yotes and I love how the Kachina jersey looks. Hell I just bought one not too long ago, had to do number 8 since he used to be a Hawk

  11. coyotes are MOVING!?
    I’ve been in airzona since the time I was born and they were the first team I knew about, and THEY MOVING

  12. This hurts. I've been a fan since the day i was born. i wanted to go to a game and looking forward to a bright future for the team. This is a punch in the gut

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