@Flames de Calgary

Votre résumé hebdomadaire des /r/calgaryflames pour la semaine du 3 avril au 9 avril 2024

**Mercredi 3 avril – mardi 9 avril 2024** ###Top vidéos | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 151 | [16 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxm5vl/matt_stajan_falls_off_bench/) | [Matt Stajan Falls off bench](https://v.redd.it/wyjryb3cbxsc1)| | 43 | [4 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bylzhb/ryan_leslie_conny_impression/) | `[Shitpost]` [Ryan Leslie Conny Impression](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxmrUDN9yYvoQyxCAleCwp6hyIJWgOW993?si=kwUKIEL7uM0Ce25h)| | 5 | [0 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bzvur1/armchair_gm_podcast_s3_ep22_losing_with_pride/) | `[Podcast]` [ArmChair GM Podcast S3 – Ep22 : Losing With Pride!!](https://youtu.be/eAozR_DHkps?si=gOUrhuVh6yIUxflm)|   ###Commentaires sur le fil de discussion du jeu | score | commentaire | |–|–| | 65 | /u/jpcgy a dit [Either we beat the oilers or we keep the tank rolling. We are free rolling tonight](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxrigj/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_46245_at_calgary/kyekvcz/?context=5) | | 50 | /u/MTBguy1774 a dit [It is really astounding just how unpowerful the Flames power play is.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxrigj/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_46245_at_calgary/kyeysng/?context=5) | | 48 | /u/Armchair-Gm-Podcast a dit [Wow miramonov on the radio totally juicing up the city of Calgary and the team. Might have that rare « wants to be in Calgary » guys on our hands](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bw1us6/game_thread_calgary_flames_34355_at_winnipeg_jets/ky3gx1f/?context=5) | | 38 | /u/Appropriate_Shape833 a dit [Fun fact: the SJS have a better record the past 10 games than the Flames do. I’ve also noticed that the activity in the subreddit has decreased versus other teams in the NHL as the Flames have stumbl…](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bzqcos/pregame_thread_calgary_flames_34375_at_san_jose/kyrx55i/?context=5) | | 33 | /u/jpcgy a dit [Marc savard is a hockey terrorist and if he still has a job next year I will assume he has dirt on someone with influence in the organization](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxrigj/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_46245_at_calgary/kyeyv1r/?context=5) | | 31 | /u/kingsmustrise a dit [Markstrom too focused on spearing Hyman in front of the net instead of focusing on the play. When he’s pissed he bites on the hook wayyy too easily – he needs to keep his head in the game](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxrigj/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_46245_at_calgary/kyf0ggv/?context=5) | | 30 | /u/sloaxy a dit [This is laughably biased commentary](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxrigj/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_46245_at_calgary/kyfcyri/?context=5) | | 30 | /u/JRP_964 a dit [Kanes only tough when the opponent is his girlfriend](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxrigj/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_46245_at_calgary/kyf7yxr/?context=5) | | 30 | /u/Armchair-Gm-Podcast a dit [I’d love if the flames can keep Sharangovich for a four or five year deal.](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxrigj/game_thread_edmonton_oilers_46245_at_calgary/kyf4ht2/?context=5) | | 28 | /u/MechashinsenZ a dit [Def can’t blame Wolf on that. He’s been so sharp](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bw1us6/game_thread_calgary_flames_34355_at_winnipeg_jets/ky3nil5/?context=5) |   ###Meilleurs messages non merdiques | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 435 | [27 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bzfzyv/sharangovich_is_the_first_belarusian_player_to/) | `[Hype]` [Sharangovich is the first Belarusian player to score 30 goals in NHL history](https://i.redd.it/bfsbyc33zctc1.jpeg)| | 207 | [16 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bwjv2g/kylington_named_masterton_nominee_calgary_flames/) | [Kylington Named Masterton Nominee | Calgary Flames](https://www.nhl.com/flames/news/kylington-named-masterton-nominee)| | 187 | [38 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bwp1uf/rip_flames/) | [RIP Flames](https://i.redd.it/k3l15tx7dpsc1.jpeg)| | 175 | [62 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bvoiv7/gods_we_were_strong_then/) | `[Stats]` [Gods we were strong then…](https://i.imgur.com/vLyiNxL.jpg)| | 174 | [19 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bwcupg/my_boss_has_jokes/) | [My boss has jokes…](https://i.redd.it/5tv0f7fvfmsc1.jpeg)| | 163 | [27 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bw2nv3/does_anyone_else_think_looks_like_sean_monahans/) | [Does anyone else think looks like Sean Monahan’s face?](https://i.redd.it/q4ek4chfsjsc1.jpeg)| | 123 | [13 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bvypo2/marky_lego_art/) | Art Marky Lego| | 115 | [18 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxu223/in_weegs_we_trust/) | `[Hype]` Nous faisons confiance à Weegs | | 115 | [12 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bxtyv4/flames_fans_when_the_flames_dont_make_the/) | `[Playoffs]` [Flames fans when the Flames don’t make the playoffs for second year in a row](https://i.redd.it/1lsrd6zv3zsc1.jpeg)| | 112 | [13 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1byalhp/dome_foams_got_away_from_me_last_night_i_guess/) | `[Jerseys]` [Dome Foams got away from me last night i guess](https://i.redd.it/xmyk672ri3tc1.jpeg)|   ###Meilleurs messages de merde | score | commentaires | titre et lien | |–|–|–| | 96 | [74 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bw6w0x/a_20_year_history_of_flames_1cs/) | `[Shitpost]` [A 20 Year History of Flames 1Cs](https://i.redd.it/1nz1kf1fpksc1.png)| | 85 | [8 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1bw785m/dont_let_this_man_distract_you_from_the_fact_that/) | `[Shitpost]` [don’t let this man distract you from the fact that in 2022, The Flames threw every good player off the team, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer’s table. »](https://i.redd.it/lmuh4l1asksc1.png)| | 68 | [13 comments](/r/CalgaryFlames/comments/1by7jrf/frequently_bought_together/) | `[Shitpost]` [« Frequently Bought Together »](https://i.redd.it/egio7gfov2tc1.png)|  


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  1. subredditsummarybot

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