@Sabres de Buffalo

Ils ont distribué des cadeaux aux paysans et aujourd’hui je fais partie de ces paysans gagnants.

Ils ont distribué des cadeaux aux paysans et aujourd’hui je fais partie de ces paysans gagnants.



  1. BurgerFeazt

    That’s pretty cool, not sure why you’re being snarky about winning a prize

  2. Aspence22

    Nice! I wish they could get them a little further out they don’t make it to the mid to lower 100s. Oh well

  3. East-Excitement3561

    Autographed mini helmet? Here’s to Hoping you get a legendary one like Gilbert or LaFontaine

  4. Pho-Soup

    Jokes on you now you need to actually stay at the game until the third period!

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