@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Cette histoire de réinstallation en Arizona est VRAIMENT en train de chauffer…

Nouvelles de la LNH aujourd’hui – La possibilité de réinstallation des Coyotes de l’Arizona vient de recevoir une mise à jour massive et nous en aurons peut-être encore plus d’ici la semaine prochaine. Les Coyotes de l’Arizona déménagent dans l’Utah dans la LNH d’ici la saison prochaine est une possibilité très réelle et cette nouvelle arène de Ryan Smith et Alex Meruelo à Phoenix / Salt Lake City dans la LNH arrive à un point très intéressant. Pour plus de couverture, y compris les réactions, les récapitulatifs des faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui, les actualités et les rumeurs sur le hockey, y compris les actualités de Yotes Mullett Arena NHL Utah Gary Bettman, les classements, les prédictions des séries éliminatoires de la LNH 2024 à venir et plus encore, abonnez-vous à Johnny Hawkey. Nouvelles des Coyotes de l’Arizona de hockey de la LNH #nhl #hockey #nhlnews #highlights


  1. SO excited for the game of hockey to explode in hockey!
    I promise Utah will embrace, love and grow hockey!! So big for the sport

  2. Look, I'd love to keep hockey in Arizona, but if this were literally any other franchise they would've moved as soon as the words "Let's play in a college arena for next year (and possibly more)" were uttered.

  3. I don’t understand if one of the leading concerns for the nhl is mullet arena why would they push this considering they would be staying in mullet while the Utah rink is being built. In that time is it not possible for Arizona to get their new rink problems sorted out for building?

  4. Here is what I think needs to happen. Arizona needs to move. The name should change as well.

    The next expansion needs to be 2 teams : Quebec City and Houston

    Followed by another expansion of 2 teams that can have cities like: Portland, Phoenix, Atlanta, or Hartford

    Other future expansion teams I would like to see would be:

    Hamilton or London Ontario
    Halifax, NS
    Indianapolis, IN
    Charlotte, NC
    San Antonio, TX
    San Diego, CA
    Saskatoon, SK

  5. as a Houston fan this breaks my heart Houston should have got a hockey team we've been in talks for I don't even know how long and it feels like we just got Hoodwinked by some damn Mormons

  6. I’m a calgarian – flames fan – living in Salt Lake City. I would LOVE to watch my Flames play here!

    For team name – they could go for some heritage names like the Pioneers or do something nature-based like the Stingers or the snowbirds

  7. Coming from a native hockey player in the Salt Lake Area if the Coyotes move there I think they should name the team the Salt Lake Golden Eagles to live on the team’s legacy before the Utah Grizzlies came

  8. Coyotes should move back to America West Arena until they get a new arena built. An arena with 10,000 good seats and 4,000 obstructed view seats is better than an arena with 5,000 seats.

  9. I'm happy their leaving. There shouldn't be hockey in the desert if Utah wants to takeover this debacle of a team so be it. Stop wasting the tax payer money on a failure.

  10. I went to a yotes game before they were at mullet. The arena was not even half full. They’ve fought bankruptcy before that. I think they have shown they cannot successfully foster a NHL franchise.

  11. I watched the Aeros(AHL) play in Houston growing up and now I have to drive 5 hours to catch a Stars game, would be nice to have a team at home again and the Toyota Center is still ice ready.

  12. I lived in Utah for 3 horrible long years (West Valley City, the sweaty, hairy armpit of Utah), and there are some die hard hockey fans there. Playing drop in hockey really opened my eyes to that. There were several girls that played and they were incredible. I'm sure there would be enough people to support a team as that place has A LOT of wealthy people. Some of the houses in Salt Lake and along the I-15 north are like many story mansions, although from what I was told, they are actually the wife's and children of one man. Each woman collecting welfare for her and her kids.

  13. The new Utah team would be called the Saints. Drawing influence from the LDS church and the Mormon theology.
    (not really)😂😂

  14. Canadian Cities have been waiting for a team. However Bettman refuses to place another team in Canada. Two expansions in the US and now relocating teams from one US state to another.

    Folks in Canada wonder why hockey isnt as popular here anymore its because of nonsense like this.

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