@Kraken de Seattle

Je sais que nous avons été gardiennés, mais je ris de ces citations de Cooley

Je sais que nous avons été gardiennés, mais je ris de ces citations de Cooley



  1. sisterthirteen

    First CA-born goalie for the Sharks and the first to come up through the organization playing with the Junior Sharks. Cooley also used to play with Joey in one of the junior leagues and was invited to Papa Daccord’s goalie camp. The two of them apparently still train together and are pretty good buddies.

    And — his [pet rabbit](https://www.instagram.com/tito.cooley?igsh=czNjYmJzYWg1d2Nn) has its own IG account!

  2. _Tower_

    Well, I guess I like him

    He’s ok

    Even if he’s a shark

    He’s ok

    And what a performance last night

  3. rapturaeglantine

    I can dig a nihilistic goalie with a pet rabbit that has its own insta

  4. sandwich-attack

    guess we gotta teach joey the “i must not fear, fear is the mind killer” speech

  5. pdredditor

    I was in section 107 yesterday so I had such a good view of Cooley. Was impressed by him during the game (even if it was painful), but now I’m a little in love with him after reading those quotes

  6. surfingeagles

    Goalies are just built differently.

  7. Menanonymalaus

    The only reason I watch pressers is on the slight chance that someone accidentally says something real like this.

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