@Canucks de Vancouver

Les deux fanbases auront au moins une chose en commentaire ce soir

Les deux fanbases auront au moins une chose en commentaire ce soir



  1. GovernmentKlutzy712

    I think he’s slowly getting a bit better. He doesn’t actively annoy me like he used to. 
     But man it’s always painful when you have to go from Shorthouse to him (or Edwards for that matter he is pretty good).

  2. Yoohooligan

    I’d personally put Greg Millen higher on the hate ladder. You can measure the quality of a sports broadcaster by how much they talk about what is happening right in front of them versus how much they talk about other stuff.

    Greg Millen is off the charts bad by that measure.

    The reason we like Shorty and Ferraro and all the greats before them is they *always* make you feel like they are actually with you, in the game, reacting in real time to what we’re seeing.

  3. dJembae

    It’s really too bad. I think he is good for the sport from a diversity aspect, much like Cassie was…but god damn are they insufferable. Jennifer Botterill is outstanding, though, from a knowledge and experience aspect.

  4. ZealousidealThanks51

    *McDavid skates around in warmup*


  5. mephnick

    Apparently he’s good in Punjabi but I don’t know how. He fundamentally doesn’t understand the game. You can tell easily because he gets super hyped at plays any experienced fan can tell aren’t going anywhere and then it fizzles out and he looks dumb.

    « JT MILLER CROSSES THE LINE!!!…..and chips it in for a change. »

  6. rebelalliance987

    I swear he pronounces Coleman (flames) as Poolman

  7. major_hassle

          Cheering for the oilers

    Oilers fans 🤝 Singh

  8. Flames fans hate him? I’m surprised, thought they’d like him for being an Oilers homer

  9. Oilers fans may hate him, but hes one of them. Having him and debrusk as « national » guys is a joke. Ill take it though, as long as they dont take away shorthouse from us.

  10. dr_van_nostren

    People hate Harnarayan?

    I don’t share that opinion at all. I think he’s fine. He’s definitely not my favorite but on my list of NHL pbp people he’s in the mid tier. Won’t turn off the game if he’s on.

    My PROBLEM is seemingly no matter what Shorty gets the shaft.

    John Shannon (long time tv producer with cbc and others) on D&D is a weekly guest. He’s been asked about this stuff many times. Even he ends up speaking out of both sides of his mouth. For the game in Edmonton he said basically “well it’s an Edmonton home game, so that’s why you get Harnarayan and Loui, but you got Murph as the host!” Then for the game where the Canucks hosted, someone asked again. His answer was “well it’s a national broadcast, and Harnarayan is on the national broadcast team”.

    I get the difference. But like, why is Rogers flying a crew of broadcasters to Vancouver when we have a great crew based here that ALSO works for you!?

    Lastly, Greg Millen sucks and the guys that do Sens games are awful.

  11. greasy999

    I absolutely hated him first time hearing him, but now I don’t seem to mind just cause im used to, it’s familiar enough and I guess thats all that matters in a commentaator to me. idek if he’s got better

  12. cowfromjurassicpark

    Having met and worked with his sister a bit I’ll take him 9 times out of 10

  13. acdbaldwin

    Hate seems a bit strong, I actually like Harnarayan Singh. Maybe I’d prefer Shorthouse if given the option, but it’s never crossed my mind until now and it’s probably more out of familiarity.

  14. 4r7is1if3

    Nothing against the guy, but when compared to Jack Michaels, it’s not even close imo

  15. barelyincollege

    He doesn’t have the right pitch, tone, or cadence of voice to be an effective PBP guy. He’s one of a few people who fit into that category for me (Leah Hextall being the other big one).

    That’d be tolerable if his analysis and reads were top-notch, but they’re not. There was one time he called icing on the Canucks while they had possession and were carrying the puck out of the defensive zone.

    More times than I can count, he’s called deflected goals where it’s clear as day (without a replay) that the puck changed direction, but he doesn’t notice until his colour guy corrects him or the PA announcer calls the goal. When you’re a national broadcaster, those mistakes shouldn’t be happening consistently.

  16. Ratiquette

    Don’t forgot “watching our teams lose to the Yotes in OT last game”

  17. dattroll123

    lol oiler fans hating singh even though he is a huge oilers homer? That’s how bad he is.

    He never deserves the national broadcast gig and we all know why he got promoted. Forget that he constantly mispronounces player names. He’s good at fooling some people into thinking he’s decent especially they are not watching the game. However, when you do watch the game, you’ll realize he often not only overhypes a nothing play, but also not call what is actually happening on the ice due to poor understanding of the game. This guy should be doing improv, not play-by-play.

  18. Fans today are extremely lucky that they don’t have to listen to Howie Meeker or Dick Irvin drone on about Toronto or Montreal. We would get to see western teams on HNIC very rarely unless they were playing the Leafs, and when we did get an all western matchup they would still spend (what seemed like) half of the broadcast talking about the eastern teams that were not even playing.

  19. Overclocked11

    Watching the game on mute tonight and doing my own commentary.

    My wife will love it — thanks for the reminder

  20. International_Pen478

    Debrusk is also very terrible. He should be doing oilers games on hockey night. Shorty and Dave/Ray are the best in the business in my opinion

  21. Robscoe604

    What’s the beef with this guy? I hate when shorty isn’t commentating but i don’t really have any issues with Singh. Someone fill me in here

  22. crap4you

    Where did Cassie Campbell rank on the hate level. 

  23. captain_poptart

    Oiler fans should not say anything with that psycho they have in their booth

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