@Ligue nationale de hockey

Le maire de Phoenix a divulgué 2 lettres envoyées par le propriétaire des Coyotes

Le maire de Phoenix a divulgué 2 lettres envoyées par le propriétaire des Coyotes



  1. Not great if you can’t get a meeting with the mayor.

  2. toedragrelease

    Why would the Mayor leak these? Seems kind of shitty on his part to just ignore all these emails and not even meet with the Coyotes.

  3. spc1221

    The mayor looks like an ass for not meeting and then releasing these letters.

  4. ArbitraryOrder

    Wait, the Coyotes didn’t leak these? This makes the mayor look like an asshole.

  5. Pasco08

    Mayor leaking this just makes him look like an idiot honestly. Lost the team and the investments and money it would have brought.

  6. Flyinghud

    This seems like some boiler plate stuff. The mayor leaking them is an asshole move.

  7. fdisfragameosoldiers

    Between this mayor leaking this and the Scottsdale one spouting off a week ago, I can’t see any professional sports team having alot of success operating in Arizona.

  8. Dude definitely does not want to lose his NHL franchise.

  9. morgaine125

    Is it supposed to make Meruelo look bad that he was willing to pay for the whole thing with private money and just wanted to meet with the mayor to get support for a project that could have added a lot to the local economy? I am baffled as to why the major would leak these.

  10. 2LostFlamingos

    Coyotes or nhl had to leak these.

    It’s not possible for a mayor to put himself on blast for losing a professional sports franchise because he couldn’t grab a coffee with the owner.

  11. Canadian__Ninja

    All he wanted was verbal support. I fail to see what the owner has done wrong in these letters. Literally any other public official would kill to have a sports team owner that 100% privately funded a new stadium in their city / state.

  12. kickn-it-old-skool

    The part that sticks out the most to me (besides the mayor being an ass) is they want to build without any tax payer money or tax breaks!! That is amazing and what ALL of these professional sports teams should be doing. We all know they can afford it more than the tax payers

  13. bath_and_toaster

    Mayor was offered a free team and state of the art stadium and said « Nah » WTF

  14. Holiday-Director-351

    Hang on. Later I’ll be leaking two letters showing my neighbor doing everything he can to help me get things in order, pay for it himself, AND help me make money. And I’ll totally ignore his requests. It’s going to make him look like such a dick.

  15. bbraz761

    Hey maybe our mayor can not meet with Murray Edwards and then the Flames can pay for their own damn arena. Oh wait, they already approved the citizens to pay for a billionaire’s building.

  16. Cottagewknds

    Sounds like there was a communication issue. They now have a meeting scheduled

  17. Vic_Hedges

    And Merulo has proven himself to be reliable and trustworthy business man.

  18. jmac1915

    Meruelo doesnt want tax-payer money, but the part where he wants the Mayor to support setting up a special taxing district with an oversight board that could issue [tax-free bonds](https://www.azcentral.com/story/sports/nhl/coyotes/2024/04/13/potential-arizona-coyotes-relocation-heres-what-we-know/73312983007/) stands out. That’s not a nothing request. Now I havent had a chance to go through the whole statute, but there is a lot of financial stuff in there that Im not sure Mr. Doesnt-Pay-Holday-Inn is up for.

    Also, I believe the Mayor had no choice but to release these letters, if Im understanding the article correctly.

  19. Trenton17B

    The mayor is a fucking moron. Just lost a free professional sports team and a brand new arena facility.

  20. Niconium

    If OP bothered to do 2 minutes of research before posting this they would’ve found that these were not leaked by the mayor, but were given to The Arizona Republic via a public records request.

  21. canadianbigmuscles

    If I was the owner I’d pack up and leave to a different city.

  22. chookalana

    Whatever this is, it’s evident that Arizona no longer wanted an NHL team. They haven’t proved otherwise.

  23. StatikSquid

    Wow the mayor didn’t even sit down to speak with them? What a huge asshole

  24. SMA2343

    Oh damn. This just makes the Mayor look even more of an ass. What was their plan?

  25. Danroy12345

    Seems like the yotes owner actually does love Arizona but Arizona don’t love him back. He’s willing to put 68 million of his own money to build an arena. Big L for the mayor not sure why he released these because it makes him look like the bad guy.

  26. Kevinwithak

    Let’s just be very clear. The meruelo family has been trying to off load this team since they made it legal to own a casino with out either being tied to a reservation or owning a sports franchise. Since then this guy has made moves that goes against NHL goals and the state. All these letters are attempt to save face with the league and the fans.

  27. NameIsPetey

    Took 27 years for the coyotes to finally be held tot he standard of an NHL team and they cried coyote the whole way. Too bad.

  28. Daddiobaddio40

    So basically he’s asking “politely” for the mayor the find a way to tax his constituents to pay for the means to fund a “district” surrounding his honey hole because he came up with this great plan to build an arena without taxpayer money? He’s passing the buck to the mayor. This is clearly not wanted by the residents. It’s political suicide for the mayor. I do not blame the mayor one bit for not responding to this. It’s been a long horrible process and the people have spoke. They do not want an NHL team specifically owned by this meuello fella.

  29. dekrepit702

    A new location that « fans » can make excuses about being too far?

  30. justusesomealoe

    I’m starting to get the feeling Arizona wasn’t interested in having a hockey team

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