@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Sheldon Keefe se demande s’il va reposer Matthews au lieu de viser 70 buts

Sheldon Keefe et les Maple Leafs de Toronto sont pratiquement bloqués dans leur position en séries éliminatoires au classement de la LNH. Ainsi, même si l’équipe n’a pas grand-chose à jouer sur le papier, Auston Matthews est à un but des 70 – les Leafs devraient-ils laisser reposer leur joueur vedette ou poursuivre un exploit historique ?


  1. I dont think yall understand. Florida and Tampa will try to kill Matthews if he plays. I want him to get to 70, but if he plays, there's just a big risk of injury.

  2. You have to play him. Its literally one goal away. If it was 5 goals away I understand but its just one goal.

  3. Honestly I think I’d go 11 forwards and 6 defencemen for the final 2 games and just strictly put him out there for Powerplays and empty nets.

  4. If he wants 70 and you sit him out, he'll just sit out another playoff series. The only thing Keefe should be worrying about is what 34 wants. It'll likely be his last season if it's a round one bust again.

  5. i dont think these fans are going to travel with us on the road, i dont think he knows how devoted that fanbase is and how important and monumental this achievement is he better fucking play him and let him get 70 because you god damn know there will be alot of fans there traveling for that game when he scores 70 like judges home run record.

  6. Actions speak louder than words. Looks like playoff runs aren’t a priority for Leafs Executives. 😀

    69 goals are more than enough. He has more than any player. Why not be content with 69? Greed for more never helps anyone.

    Matthews doesn’t have a single playoff run in his career. That is his priority.

    If this coach risks by exposing Matthews to unnecessary injury in meaningless games – then Leafs care about individual records for Matthews & Marner and likely they have secretly given up on the Leafs Core 4 ever succeeding in the playoffs.😀

  7. c'mon,its all about me,me,me,,pass me the puck, playoffs dont matter. I think they need to think about the 11 goals against in the last 2 games by Samsonsieve,

  8. I have zero faith in Leafs goaltending going into playoffs. The way Samsonov has played lately is really disturbing.

  9. Hahahahaha…..anyone wanna bet that he plays……cmon this is Toronto! Hahahahaha….this is why no one believes anything about the city that was once Canadian…..

  10. Score #70 and sit out the rest of the game and the next, no way Austin will allow Keefe to dictate his play time at this point. He doesn’t just want it for himself he wants it for the fans and for the organization. 💙🏒🥅 he’s going to get a couple next game

  11. I'd say put him in for the Tampa game but keep him out for the florida one, panthers gonna be playing dirty and most likely try to injure him.

  12. C’mon Keefer, Matthew’s quest for 70 goals is NOT A DISTRACTION!! What a dumb thing to say. Geez man, show some support for your STAR player! So pissed off at you right now.

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