@Golden Knights de Vegas

Cela continue d’exaspérer une grande partie du monde du hockey

Faits saillants de la LNH aujourd’hui – Avalanche du Colorado contre les Golden Knights de Vegas Tomas Hertl, le vainqueur des séries éliminatoires de la LNH 2024 est dans moins d’une semaine et le classement de la LNH permet aux affrontements du premier tour de commencer à se solidifier (pourrait faire une vidéo si les séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley commençaient aujourd’hui), Les moments forts de VGK, alias Avalanche vs Golden Knights, étaient assez sauvages, et leurs échanges de contournement de casquette et leur pratique de la pierre de marque après une blessure font de nouveau la une des journaux. Pour une couverture comprenant des récapitulatifs des réactions des faits saillants du hockey de la LNH en 2024, les actualités de la LNH d’aujourd’hui ainsi que de nombreuses prédictions des séries éliminatoires et du contenu sur les équipes qui y figurent, restez fidèle à Johnny Hawkey. Las Vegas Golden Knights Ltir Tomas Hertl Goal Mark Stone Nouvelles de la LNH #nhl #highlights #hockey


  1. When it happened in 2022, we didn’t think much of it. When it happened last year, it was convenient. This year? MIGHTY convenient. Especially since lacerated spleens typically have a recovery time of 6 months.

    As one (Vegas) fan on Twitter said; “Gonna be much harder to defend this time around”.

  2. This is peter forsburg all over again. That dude would sit on the IR all damn season and, like some sort of spring magic, be ready to go with a week or two left in the season.

  3. Hockey fans need to remember… THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT THE NHL WANTS!
    They want to place successful teams in large, new markets. Whether current fans think it's "fair" or not is pretty much irrelevant.
    If you're already paying money for tickets or merchandise or cable sports channels, the NHL does not give a rat's furry behind about you.
    They already have YOUR money. What they want is MORE money, and they know from experience that non-fans won't pay to see crappy, non-competitive expansion teams.

    If you're a fan of the NHL and you don't like seeing Vegas gaming the system, you have exactly 2 choices:
    1. Stop giving money to the NHL (stop buying gear, stop attending games, stop paying for ESPN)
    2. Suck it up, buttercup.

    The NHL only understands one language, and as long as you're giving them money, your opinion doesn't mean a thing.

  4. I'm right with you on this, yes they play with a loophole, big deal. They are master negotiators as well those trades other teams could've pulled them off, they did not and Las vegas got a boulevard to do it.
    That being said, i'll allow my face to wear a good smirk if they get kicked out of the Playoffs after the first round.

  5. Everyone mad should be mad at their GMs. Vote went up after 2015 to fix it and everyone except the Blues and Lightning thought it was fine. Don’t be mad your team’s GM isn’t using a legal loophole.

    A diehard Lightning fan.

  6. I just think that there should be a limit to how much money a team has for LTIR. Should be like 7 mil max

  7. Mark Stones career legacy is gonna be the guy who had to fake injuries to allow his team to compete😂 absolutely pathetic legacy especially from a Canadian.

  8. Hated them from day one. Hate that expansion teams get great players from the get-go and all the other teams in the past had to toil with cast offs and pay their dues. Now, they play their games with the salary cap. Why would anyone except their own fans like them? And, terrible colors.

  9. Don’t know why fans are mad at the Knights. Seems to me like a lot of missplaced anger😂Don’t hate the player, hate the game and the creators of this loophole.

  10. Mark Stone was sucking pure toes in Ottawa, gets sent to the desert and wins a cup… Might just be cause the sens are cursed but still. Fuck Vegas lol

  11. 3rd time 🙄 sure.. that he got injured cause he ain't no spring chicken. He came back before the playoffs and they missed them! Last year was the first and only time so far that everything just fell into place. It's not even guaranteed yet when he would come back. They have to get him practicing now if he is to come back for the playoffs. It doesn't mean game 1 until we see it happen. Stone is determined AF though.

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