@Canadiens de Montréal

Premier match en carrière de Lane Hutson dans la LNH avec le Tricolore : 1 passe, 1 tir au but, 21 min 54 s de temps de glace

Premier match en carrière de Lane Hutson dans la LNH avec le Tricolore : 1 passe, 1 tir au but, 21 min 54 s de temps de glace



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  2. RoboticAnatomy

    Nearly 22 minutes is *nuts* for a first game!

  3. --JULLZ--

    He’s oozing with talent. I’m so excited for this guy

  4. Phillakai

    A little work on his defensive game and the kid will be just fine

  5. LightsaberCrayon

    Very ugly second half of the game overall, but I’m taking Hutson as an unmitigated bright spot. I couldn’t believe how much time he was getting.

  6. michealcaine

    Saw the game live in Detroit, 7th row. This guy’s the real deal. Everytime he touched the puck he looked like a special player. Guys speed is crazy even for the NHL.

  7. t_l_quinner

    I almost jumped out of my wheelchair when he made that shot in OT

  8. FlowShredder

    He wasn’t really outclassed physically, he’s NHL ready.

    He got lost on the first goal, but it’s most likely because of the new system he didn’t have time to practice in 24 hours.

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