@Wild du Minnesota

Kaprizov a essentiellement déclaré qu’il ne se souciait pas du nombre de buts et de points qu’il avait marqués ces derniers temps, cela ne signifiait pas grand-chose pour lui car ils ne participeraient pas aux séries éliminatoires.

Kaprizov a essentiellement déclaré qu’il ne se souciait pas du nombre de buts et de points qu’il avait marqués ces derniers temps, cela ne signifiait pas grand-chose pour lui car ils ne participeraient pas aux séries éliminatoires.



  1. MrNotSoGoodTime

    Truth hurts to hear. Haven’t been in this situation yet but everybody and their grandma called it from the start of the contract. Not making the playoffs makes for a very unhappy Kaprizov. Plz don’t leave us bb

  2. Paladad

    Honestly with how much he’s been smiling on the ice lately I’m taking this in a positive way. He’s playing because he likes it, not to rack up individual points.

  3. HerbalAndy

    Would be really weird if he said he was concerned about getting points if we’re not making the playoffs. Pretty much a routine response to a question regarding points.

    Good on him though


    He has 28 more points than our second highest point leader Boldy. He is amazing. I really hope we have him forever! We have him two more full seasons at least so we enjoy it as long as it lasts! The longer he stays the better our team will be

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