@Coyotes de l'Arizona

J’ai été trompé par Alex Meruelo et les Coyotes de l’Arizona… Ils déménagent en Utah

En une semaine, tout a changé. Les Coyotes de l’Arizona ne resteront plus à Phoenix dans l’espoir de construire une maison permanente après avoir remporté une vente aux enchères de terrains. Ils seront plutôt vendus par Alex Meruelo à la LNH, puis au Smith Group, transférés dans l’Utah et seront un un jour, j’espère, je serai de retour. Partagez votre opinion dans les commentaires ci-dessous! Cliquez sur J’aime et abonnez-vous ! Suivez Jesse sur Twitter à @JesseBlake Suivez Jesse sur Instagram @Jesse.Blake Abonnez-vous au Jesse Blake Sports Report partout où vous obtenez vos podcasts ! Visitez https://sdpn.ca pour en savoir plus. https://www.youtube.com/@JesseBlakeSportsReport?sub_confirmation=1


  1. There will be a team in Arizona again with expansion in a few years.

    This puts a team in Utah right now, and stops the playing in a college arena nonsense.

  2. how is the NHL forcing guy to sell for one price and then turn around and immediately sell it for more? that seems crooked.

  3. To be fair it was kinda written in stone. Arizona is getting kicked in the nuts from droughts. Its so bad they cancelled international farming contracts. They have also been talking about building a 2000 mile pipeline to bring water to them. I know sports is supposed to be an escape but its frustrating to see an entire sport just ignore reality. Putting a new stadium in a desert is irresponsible on every level.

  4. One negative impact of this relocation may be on youth hockey here in the valley. This could really stunt the growth of the game in the market. Perhaps in the 5 year second chance window the franchise or ownership could assist with building more rinks suitable for all aspects of on ice play and dry land development. Simply, put more overall funding towards youth hockey and spread it across all associations. Create a foundation for something special that could foster an array of tier 1 programs like a Chicago, Detroit, etc. as well as strong house programs.

  5. Sorry JB, that did not age well. At least you were not an employee of the Yotes, whom was lied too and treated so disrespectfully….

  6. Honestly Utah isn't that big of a market. It's slightly bigger than Vegas and that isn't big. The fact they're still keeping Arizona via expansion if they can buy that land, but not relocate the current team to a better market is mind boggling. Bettman sucks, they really should have just put them in Quebec not SLC and do the expansion in Arizona. SLC is just not a good spot.

  7. They start the Arizona coyotes with a rink that holds, 5,000 people ??? WTF were they thinking, isn't that like asking for an egg when you don't have a chicken.

  8. The "return" clause for Murelo will have so many conditions that he won't fufil it. A new owner may get an expansion team and use the Glendale arena.

  9. To hell with it being an 'inactive franchise'. If the NHL can just choose who gets the history of a franchise, then give the Winnipeg portion of the franchise's history back to Winnipeg.

  10. The Coyotes have been on life support for the past 20+ years and are now playing in a shoe box. Of course they are moving. If you want to believe he couldnt find land in the desert… you have been suckered. Arizona media does not care about hockey and barely cover the team.

  11. To allow him a 5 year window to resurrect the franchise is ridiculous…it puts them right back in the same market that hasn't worked with the 2 different arenas and several owners AND if they do it, it forces expansion which the league should not be doing right now.

  12. Check the comments

    I've been saying it for weeks…

    Love the show.


  13. It’s definitely a sad day for hockey in Arizona. I feel like this franchise just never got the chance to succeed because the upper management.

  14. Not just propaganda from the TEAM

    But also major YouTubers like Jesse Blake, Shannon the Hockey Guy, and Arizona Coyotes "reporters"like PHNX Sports and Craig Morgan also all spread disinformation.

    I mean I could see through it…why couldn't the hockey reporters? 🤨

  15. Land shmand, Coyotes are NO MORE…LOL, na na na nah, na na na nah, hey hey hey, good bye, na na na nah, na na na nah, hey hey hey, good bye.

  16. The auction is still going to happen and Meruelo may well win it but it probably won’t matter. He’s in a long line of incompetent Coyotes ownership and I don’t blame Yotes fans for no longer trusting the family.

  17. The Fish And Wildlife Service has announced that the Arizona Coyote will be extinct as of 10pm on April 17th, 2024!

  18. Fans in Arizona put their faith in many charlatans, even when the rest of the world was screaming at them "THESE PEOPLE ARE CHARLATANS!" But…..what choice did they have? When the charlatan is the only one propping up your dream, you talk yourself into the lie and hope it will eventually become the truth.

    The sad things are…

    1— Merulo isn't even the worst owner this franchise has ever had. He might not even be second worst.

    2– The closest thing this franchise got to a good owner in Arizona was Jerry freakin' Reisdorf…before fate intervened. That's not a great history.

  19. Glad that disaster is moving. We’d all prefer that it was moving to a Canadian market first but I’ll take this. Just to never see that garbage logo or jersey again brings me joy. It should also never get a second chance at getting a team. NO more expansion in the NHL. 32 teams is enough. Fullstop.

  20. im a canadian who moved to utah 1.5 yrs ago and its so exciting. I'm from Calgary originally so I'm a flames fan first, but I'm so pumped to support a second team. people are buzzing in UT. tons of hockey fans and it's gonna be so amazing to see them come here.

  21. I live in Utah. Roughly 45 minutes from the Delta Center. I want to say what I'm about to say by saying that first.

    I feel bad for Arizona Coyotes fans. I don't like the idea that this is what it has come down to. Like you said, Alex Meruelo is a terrible owner and a snake oil salesman, but that doesn't make this suck any less for you guys. I do hope the NHL returns to Arizona someday. But it can't be with Meruelo as the owner. This guy is about as clueless as Donald Sterling was with the Clippers, only without the racism.

  22. Don't feel bad. A lot of deniers believed the constant lies and empty promises of the bettman/merulo clown show in .az. Even bettman was a fkn fool who believed merulo's empty promise to build tempe arena and got conned in the end. Just one constant 15 year shitshow of owners, arena sagas, bankruptcies, losses, empty promises with an inevitable conclusion-failure. I'm glad i didn't believe the b s lies. I told the non believers for years this would happen. az.wasn't sustainable. I studied this 15 failure. Found it a fascinating piece about how total ineptness combined with bettman stubborness ultimately leads to failure in the end. And nhl kept the dirty little secrets of this fiasco quiet. Like how many times did nhl have to pay the players/hotel bills cause yotes couldn't and how much $$$ did nhl throw away trying to keep this shitshow afloat?

  23. jesse calm down you will get a team 5 or 10 years from now but think no meruelo this is the only way the nhl could get rid of him cleanly

  24. Bettman got millions in bonuses when he put the team in Arizona. It was his project. And Bettman is 100% responsible

  25. From what I’ve been seeing the NHL has a wink and handshake promise that if he can win that land auction, that they will reactivate the franchise probably after next season during a new round of expansion

  26. Arizona is a weak market for hokey, if 30 years didn't show that then you're blind.

  27. Not very often you hear someone outside of AZ or that wasn’t a fan of a relocated franchise feel bad for Yotes fans. People gloating over the move don’t make sense lol Most of our rinks here have Coyotes plastered all over them, all the youth programs are Yotes related (like little howlers) Yotes logo everywhere, and lots of mens league guys wear Yotes pro stock. Instead of saying a guy’s skate is untied to distract him, now we say “yotes are moving” and they get a sad look and an “I was having such a good game dude”😂

  28. they sold season tickets and meruelo burned bridges in arizona. but still said hey we are staying. coyotes fans deserve better. there was an option to stay but he couldn’t help himself and showboat and piss people off.

  29. I’m not saying meruelo didn’t fail, but I will say
    A) this is in character for Coyotes ownership
    B) I feel like anyone would have struggled to stop this, it was really an uphill battle

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