@Ducks d'Anaheim

Zegras a recommencé…

Zegras a récidivé… Il s’est déchaîné depuis son retour de blessure. Je parle du jeu récent de Trevor Zegras et récapitule le reste du match Anaheim Duck vs Los Angeles Kings dans cette vidéo ! Rejoignez cette chaîne pour avoir accès à des avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHpXOnimn-UyGLEiUxl5urQ/join ✅Suivez nos réseaux sociaux, rejoignez notre Discord, achetez des produits et envisagez de faire un don ! ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ ⬇ 🔗https://linktr.ee/duckmylife *Clause de non-responsabilité relative aux droits d’auteur En vertu de l’article 107 de la loi sur le droit d’auteur de 1976, une « utilisation équitable » est autorisée à des fins telles que la critique, les commentaires, les reportages d’actualité, l’enseignement, l’érudition et la recherche. L’utilisation équitable est une utilisation autorisée par la loi sur le droit d’auteur qui pourrait autrement constituer une violation. L’utilisation à but non lucratif, éducative ou personnelle fait pencher la balance en faveur d’une utilisation équitable. Aucune violation du droit d’auteur n’est prévue. TOUS LES DROITS APPARTIENNENT À LEURS PROPRIÉTAIRES RESPECTIFS*


  1. Gotta move Z to LW next season. Not because I belevie he can't continue to get better defensively but its just what makes most sense w the players we have. Leo McT and Cutter all better 2 way centers. I'd love to see Z on a line w a shooting center like Cutter. Futures bright even as we finish another stinky season. GO DUCKS

  2. I am very open to Z being the captain of this team, and with that being said maybe Cronin's singling out of Z on the bench makes a little more sense if thats the case

  3. Honestly is it not fitting that people will hate Z and Cutter? It’s Ducks tradition to have our best players be disliked. It’s a sign of the new era

  4. Trevor Zegras is going to be one of the older prospects we have soon meaning he's going to develop BIG TIME just watch. He's getting to the age where he's going to make big leaps.

  5. I hope I get to see him play this week and I hope all the young players let go of the ego get in order for this team to be better

  6. Don’t understand the hate that comes Z’s way. But whatever.
    I remember the confident comments Zegras made about Canada … US won so not an issue.
    It will be a close competition if Cutter or Z for most hated Duck. Can’t imagine how hated the Ducks will be when they start winning.

  7. Ducks signed Cutter to an entry level deal according to Eric Stephens. He's expected to be at practice on Tuesday, and probably playing the final game.

  8. I love z and his flair and him and cutter plus Leo crazy line right there my main thing is who will be the next captain? Not saying we need one now but there seems to be no real main voice in the locker room which is a good and bad thing

  9. we're literally stacked with talent, and we still have a couple of first round picks during the 2024 draft to wait for! I can't wait for next season to start, hoping that we'll be a bit more healthy

  10. The young talent is great and hopefully we can keep them together for awhile to build a better brand and consistency. We still need an experienced top forward and D-Man that can lead the youth. Guys who speak up and control the tempo to be puck hungry. Z and Leo get better every game. It will be something to add Cutter and a healthy McTavish. 🤞next season is the start of a new Era for the Ducks.

  11. Zegras and others should hit the weights all summer. It really messes up your game when you first start getting bulkier, but then eventually it totally helps. Best to start during the offseason and we once again have a LONG off season.

  12. I’m really nervous about Cutter joining us, this team has enough drama with Z and other things that we just don’t need anymore right now. I’m hoping he brings more than just his attitude 😱 hoping next season is a new beginning for our Ducks 🦆 🏒

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