@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Les Leafs devraient-ils laisser Matthews au repos ou le laisser marquer 70 buts ?

Le directeur du dépistage de TSN, Craig Button, se joint à SC avec Jay Onrait pour partager ses réflexions sur les Islanders qui ont décroché une place en séries éliminatoires grâce à leur victoire contre les Devils, la course aux wild card de la Conférence de l’Est qui se joue et s’ils tenteront d’atteindre le cap des 70 buts. la marque en vaut-elle la peine pour Auston Matthews ?


  1. One has to feel bad for Crosby.
    Dude has carried his team all year and has made a massive push in the last 30 days. To miss the playoffs by 1pt two consecutive years isn’t what he deserves.

  2. The Leaf's major concern should be getting thru the first round. Mathew's goal count is a distraction and meaningless if the Leafs go down in round one. Personally I don't think they have the defense to go far.

  3. F the play offs. they happen every year. A man is on the brink of a historic moment. I want the leafs to go as far as possible in the playoffs. But I want this more. Matthews 70!

  4. Leafs will always be a joke this team is literally chasing for a guy to get 70 and just playing the worst type of hockey at the worst time … typical leaf fashion

  5. Rest him for what? They're in way to tough in the first round. Slim chance of advancing. Give him all the minutes he can handle to reach or surpass 70 goals.

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