@Avalanche du Colorado

Georgie vs Statistiques de l’équipe des séries éliminatoires, Big Oof

Je ne veux pas faire de pile mais j’étais curieux, alors j’ai fait ces statistiques hier soir avant de me coucher, la source était Statmuse – donc j’aimerais que quelqu’un vérifie l’exactitude. Georgiev a un *.891%* SV% contre les équipes actuelles des séries éliminatoires cette année.

[Georegiev vs Hellebuyck](https://i.imgur.com/HZ6A9FR.png) J’ai bien ajouté Hellebuyck parce que nous lui faisons face et j’étais curieux de savoir combien de baisse il aurait contre les mêmes équipes, car cela semble naturel. se produire. Il est passé de .922 cette saison à .920 contre ces équipes. Ce qui est encore plus inquiétant, c’est que le taux de 0,891 % de Georgiev est renforcé par 3 excellents matchs contre les Kings, tous disputés avant février. Si nous supprimons les matchs des Kings, il descend à *.886* SV% contre les équipes actuelles des séries éliminatoires. Voici les statistiques avec les matchs des Kings supprimés… en toute honnêteté, j’ai supprimé les Oilers (le positif le plus marquant de Hellebuyk) [Kings Removed](https://i.imgur.com/wx5ExOA.png) et tandis que Georgie descend à .886, Hellebuyck ne tombe qu’à .918 avec la suppression de son positif le plus percutant. Je soupçonne depuis un moment que même son mauvais 0,891 SV% cette année a été renforcé par, par exemple, Chicago, l’Arizona, etc. du monde et si ceux-ci sont exacts, cela me le confirme en quelque sorte.



  1. Vandy1358v2_0

    I hate to say this but I’m a realist. The cup is not coming to Colorado this year. We have a massive issue at goaltending that will kill us. We over played Georegiev this year and it’s catching up to us. At this point I don’t think we make it out of the first round.

  2. Appleanche

    I’d love to also know, what was Georgiev’s SV% in the first ~10 shots of the game. The Avs have 26 comeback wins (2nd in the NHL) and I feel like a lot of these are on the back of an early, bad goal given up by him, causing the Avs to chase the game minutes into it.

    You can do that against Chicago and other teams but when you jump into the playoffs against teams with goalies like Hellebuyk it’s just not sustainable.

  3. VeNTNeV

    So… just curious… what’s juice’s percentage(s)?

  4. For_Perpetuity

    I don’t wanna dogpile but I just can’t help it

  5. Aggressive_Stomach77


  6. mitch-dubz


  7. DominionMM1

    Yeah it’s not looking good, and I don’t buy the whole “overplayed” thing. Dude has struggled all year, not just recently. I mean, at one point early in the season (like October/November), he posted a sub-.900 sv% in 10 of 11 games. Plus, he played almost the exact same number of games last year and he didn’t struggle down the stretch or in the playoffs. His problem is a mental one. The guy just looks like he has a case of the yips, and I’m not sure that’s curable in a week.

  8. brunnor

    There was a moment last game in the second period. One of the VGK guys had a point shot and it hit off the inside of the post but stayed out. I don’t remember who took the shot.

    They played a single replay of that shot that was showing Georgie up close. You could see he was slow on the puck. The moment it hit the bar, you could physically see him… « give up »? Maybe there is a better word, but his shoulders dropped, and he kind of sat there looking defeated.

    The puck didn’t go in, but you could see it in his actions that he was expecting it to do so. He is so in his own head right now. It was still a 3-0 game at this point, so he had no reason to be down other than it showed what he expected to happen.

    I keep hoping and pulling for Georgie to get out of this slump, but things like this make me worry even more.

  9. KlutchFord

    That .958 save percentage against the Avs is a mindkiller.

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