@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Laine ne participera pas aux Championnats du monde en mai

Je ne pense pas que cela surprenne qui que ce soit, mais j’ai pensé que je pourrais partager la nouvelle ici, au cas où quelqu’un serait intéressé. Jere Lehtinen a déclaré que Laine n’a pas joué depuis longtemps et qu’il espère que Laine remettra sa vie sur les rails et qu’il reviendra au hockey le moment venu.



  1. itsagooddaytobeacat

    Now, in this article they also shared some information that’s new to me. I wanted to make this a seperate comment, as I don’t know how trustworthy this information is. This particular newspaper isn’t the most trustworthy one. I don’t think though they could say something like this if they weren’t sure.

    However, in the article they say this:

    « Mielen sairaus

    Laine sairastui Iltalehden tiedon mukaan jo viime keväänä, ja jäi sen syyn takia pois viime kevään MM-turnauksesta. »


    « Mental illness

    According to information that Iltalehti has received, Laine fell ill already last spring and due to that reason didn’t play in the WC last year ».

    So IF this information is true, what Laine is going through, has been going on for probably at least a year, it seems like. Last year they said that the reason was that Laine hadn’t fully recovered yet (triceps).

  2. Green9510

    Take your time friend and get well!

    Now I do have a question regarding cap space and the business pov. Let’s say Laine is “out” at the start of the year. Is he able to go on LTIR at the start or he gonna be on the “books” similar to what he is right now for us. Just curious as that is 8.7mil and a significant chunk of our cap that can be used for the new GM.

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