@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Les Coyotes de l’Arizona déménagent dans l’Utah

Épisode 1552 Vidéo du concours de Salt Lake City : https://youtu.be/MDYnPU-SceM?si=g8btnCf3S3mabAnu Soutenir la chaîne peut être fait ici : Adhésion YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnWUMMlROKuT3roikjMp9TQ/join Monthly Contributions Patreon : https://www.patreon.com/Post2Post Contributions directes : https://www.paypal.me/Post2Post OFFRES : Économisez sur les maillots en **PREMIER** en allant sur https://www.coolhockey.com /post2post puis en utilisant le code « POST2POST » à la caisse ! Cela vous fera économiser 10 %. Économisez 20 $ sur votre premier achat sur https://seatgeek.com/ avec le code : POST2POST Économisez 10 % sur n’importe quel modèle sur https://sportstemplates.net/ avec le code : POST2POST Vous voulez soumettre VOS concepts de maillot pour qu’ils soient examinés ? Veuillez regarder cette vidéo pour découvrir comment : https://youtu.be/fb_h_mB19fo Jouez à des jeux avec moi sur Twitch ! www.twitch.tv/post2post Boîte postale : Malheureusement, la boîte postale est maintenant fermée. Retrouvez-nous sur les réseaux sociaux ici : https://www.Instagram.com/Post2PostShow https://www.twitter.com/post2postshow Vous avez une demande commerciale ou souhaitez m’envoyer une vidéo d’introduction pour un fan ? Envoyez-moi un courriel ici : productions@post2postshow.com *En raison du nombre de courriels, une réponse ne peut être garantie* #NHL #Coyotes #Yotes #Utah #Arizona


  1. The staff are the biggest losers. NHL players know they might get traded in their career, but staff established in Arizona for decades? Not so much. Either move to Utah or lose your job. Awful.

  2. Imma be honest, this is probably better for the league, I understand Coyotes fans are probably justifiably upset, but if we want this sport to grow and thrive, this is probably for the best

  3. It's pretty much a done deal. By pretty much all accounts, we're just waiting for the official announcement which will probably come by the end of the week.

  4. The option for expansion back to Arizona kind of makes the best out of a bad situation for Phoenix and the surrounding area…there's the ever-present argument of more teams leads to the watering-down of overall talent in the league, but more teams also means more money for the league. It's disheartening to hear about all of the missteps that have been happening in the background. On another note, given the recent issues in Winnipeg, it would be incredibly cruel if the expansion back to Arizona turns into a relocation of another Winnipeg Jets team to Arizona.

  5. The June deadline is the land auction for the North Phoenix Arena Or have the "Cleveland Browns Situation" keep the identity in Arizona and give it to the new Coyotes, and the current Coyotes become the Utah team

  6. I was born in Arizona and lived there for 5 years before we moved to Colorado. I for sure would not have gotten into hockey if it weren't for them and I think a lot of others could say the same. The downfall of the Yotes started when they moved to Glendale, which is 1 hour plus away from the population center so nobody drove out there except for playoffs. Also didn't help that they sucked every year other than 2012. Anyways, I became a Vegas fan in 2017 because it sucked to see the Yotes do nothing every year but I am still very sad that they are leaving. A piece of my heart will always be in Arizona, and thanks for the video brother means a lot to me.

  7. Finally NHL25 will have a new Arena along with a roster update/ bugs and glitches worse than 24.

  8. I know you want to sound reasonable here, but I hate to break it to you. The hockey "community" very much WAS rooting for this franchise to fail. Look at any comment section on YouTube or Twitter/X post about this subject. Nothing but comment after comment of "The Coyotes don't even have fans" "Thank god Arizona is losing a team" "They never deserved a team" "Hockey will never work in the desert" & this has been going on for YEARS. To say that no one was rooting for or cheering for that is just revisionist history.

    It's always easy for those who are completely unaffected by the situation to mock & shit on the people who are.

  9. If Phoenix gets to keep all things Coyote the Utah franchise NEEDS to be the Jazz. And yes, I was born in St. Louis in the 60's

  10. It amazes me how American sports teams continue to relocate and change cities,when there’s like European teams that have been in the same city for 100s of years and aren’t going anywhere.

  11. As a Coyotes fan, I am pissed and sadden of the relocation. I definitely feel for the families of the players and the staff. It took me a few days to accept the loss of the Yotes. There is some hope for us Coyotes fans- June 27, 2024- auction day of state land. Hopeful Alex Meruelo is committed to bringing the Coyotes back to the desert and building the arena in the next 4-5 years.

  12. You don't really need to have a branding. The PWHL proved that. As long as you have players, a schedule and a place to paly, the official branding can come later.
    Arizona has been given 20 years of chances few teams and groups were awarded those. Even being guaranteed an expansion team is way too much, Whalers and Nordiques were not given such promisses.

  13. The end of a 25 year mistake fun fact the difference between the youts and whalers is at least the Whalers got to go out with their logo on the ice.

  14. Just happened to watch that SLC design contest video yesterday. YouTube knew it was relevant again.

  15. ALEX MERUELO IS A P.O.S.! I would rather GO WITHOUT HOCKEY then to have MERUELO involved with a team. I think he will be a NO SHOW at the "Land Grab" on June 27th.I'm excited for the players, I think SLC will be outstanding for them.Wish the guys well!

  16. The situation in Arizona;reminds me of the C F L trying to get a team in Halifax.Couldn't
    get it done;still trying to get a building built.

  17. I've been a fan for 21/22 years, when Canada won gold in the Olympics in ironically Salt Lake City was when I first watched hockey. I'm from BC, never been to Arizona, anyway my dad lived in California at the time and worked a job which took him to Phoenix, he caught a hockey game and was like eh, my son is into hockey now, grabbed a home white jersey and gave it to me in the summer to when the 02/03 season rang around, my first actual NHL season, instead of picking Canucks like everyone in town I already had a Yotes jersey, so well, the rest is history. My dad passed away a handful of years ago and the Coyotes were always the constant connection to him in my life..this really sucks

  18. Feel bad for the fans, for the staff. No one should feel bad for the players who are making millions of dollars. If you were a player and signed a long term deal with the Coyotes without thinking there is a good chance the team would be relocated time to fire your agent as clearly they aren't doing their job advising you.

  19. Salt Lake City makes sense – not only they are in the boundaries of the Central Division (which means no division adjustment gymnastics), but also the SLC area hosted the 2002 Winter Olympics (most venues are in the Utah Olympic Park in Park City, UT) and are a almost certain lock for the 2034 ones (unless someone else jumps in like Vancouver, but it's highly unlikely at this point as the IOC looks to award the hosting rights for both 2030 and 2034 at the same time). The Tempe vote was the final nail in the Coyotes' coffin – a failed experiment which Gary Bettman will refuse to admit as such.

  20. With adidas leaving the NHL this year I don't know if the Coyotes jersey will ever look better than it did last couple years

  21. There ya go, coyote haters. Confused sheep got what they wanted… keep whining until people get what they want. Won’t be watching NHL and hockey as a whole or any of these ignorant YouTubers. if my team is gone. Of course no confirmation from the Yotes. But of course all these videos and experts are making their videos. When. Nothing has been publicly announced… bahhh

  22. Very smug and ignorant smirking at the end. Like it’s all a big joke. Lost a long time watcher Neil.

  23. It's a shame the Coyotes are moving but it sounds like that ownership wasn't paying their bills . Hate to say it . But the way this ownership group has run this team sounds like he don't have money and what other reason he didn't pay the bills i don't see them getting a new Arena built for a expansion team.

  24. Bwahaha. I care about hockey so much that I thought this was a wildlife migration thing… I'm out

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