@Blue Jackets de Columbus

Il y a quinze ans aujourd’hui, les Blue Jackets disputaient leur tout premier match éliminatoire

Il y a quinze ans aujourd’hui, les Blue Jackets disputaient leur tout premier match éliminatoire



  1. Erazzphoto

    The good ole Red wings sweep. It was still a bs too many men penalty when you consider the other shit they let go. He had no impact on the play, terrible call

  2. HermanBonJovi

    I remember that series. I had a coworker that was rooting for Detroit cause « there was too much hype around the jackets and I’m tired of it ». I was like wtf lol

  3. SenorWingsuit

    I remember being happy we made it to the playoffs. I also remember being really pissed off at fellow Columbus Blue Jackets fans that would break out their Detroit Sweaters and wear them proudly to each game. I often said to friends: Pick a team! Either you are with us our against us! Lol

  4. What a wild season that was. Rookie Steve Mason playing out of his mind, winning the Calder in net.

    Shame the rest of the team let him down. We were very offensively stunted in that series.

  5. Man_Bear_Pig08

    I was there. Cant believe its been 15yrs

  6. raleighkubb

    I was so excited for the future with Steve Mason in net. Things don’t always go as planned.

  7. Tweez614

    I was a casual jacket fan, I had been going to games since their inception, but never really caught the bug until I experienced playoff hockey. After that, I purchased a quarterly pass to the chiller and taught myself to skate, joined a men’s league, and probably love hockey more than I do football which is saying a lot.Just can’t wait for us to get in a deep playoff run and see what happens to this city.

  8. ButterbeerAndPizza

    I was at Game 4 rooting for the Wings. Only a couple years after i moved from Michigan to Columbus. I hadn’t yet made my transition into being a Jackets fan yet. Once I could name 3/4 of Columbus’ roster, I realized I was now a Jacket backer.

  9. bobboman

    i was at that game, the only reason the jackets made the playoffs that year was thanks to steve mason playing on his head

    pity he couldnt keep it going for his career

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