@Flyers de Philadelphie

Dave Schultz chez Larry Robinson

et le monde entier a applaudi !!


  1. Another name for Bullies is sissies and that what Philly was, Bob Probert and Joey Kocur would have whipped Schultz very badly!!!

  2. Larry Robinson a tough country boy from Marvelville, Ont. just outside of Ottawa. Two of my favourite hockey players..Larry Robinson and Denis Potvin also from Ottawa

  3. clark wasn't the biggest but he was one of the dirtiest. then he went and hid behind his goons.

  4. It always impressed me how, when finished with Schultz, Larry turned to Andre “Moose” DuPont and literally told him, “You’re next!” People always said, “Larry Robinson didn’t want to fight, and nobody wanted to fight Larry Robinson.”

  5. The Robinson hit on Dornhoffer was epic.
    Indented the boards on the old Forum. It stayed there until they moved I think

  6. Love @ 5:05 Larry and a fan sharing a drink lol! Love seeing Schultz dominated. Surprised no letter on Larry's jersey.

  7. shultzie felt bad about knocking a canadien out. I don't think he was ready for larry. The way he fights like any fighter is he is out for him.

  8. van box meier is a big as robinson. shultz one punch knock out. I know those shultzes from flin flonl. His brother was tough to. I wouldn't be yapping about the western boys. they can take those neufies too.

  9. sask. boys are the toughest. the neufies tried them in flin flon and they got the crap beat out of them. Don't underestamate sask. boys. They changed the rules in the nhl. So the easterners could show how to play hockey. boring.

  10. robinson is tough but so are the western boys. don't underestatemnent those western boys. they will kick your ass.

  11. rigfht on western boys flyers. won 2 cups before campbell changed the rules. hockey has been the shits since. The western boys could put a show. They loved hockey. Look gordie howe is from the west. Sask. boy. think larry could take gordie.

  12. Hate the Habs but this is a moment I cheered. Big Bird feeds a bully some fist. Respect!

  13. Larry Robinson came on the ice late and went straight for Dave Schultz. if you go to 1:562:12 and see the look on Schultz's face, it's like Oh crap………… he's going to kick the living shit out of me.

  14. Awesome Larry Robinson was such a class act. I played fast pitch softball with him and his brothers back in Metcalfe ON. He was such a nice guy. The Flyers of that era were such an embarrassment to the league. Nice to see Schultz get his ass kicked.

  15. And dat was the end of the broad street bullies folks….Larry said to Schultz…"I asked you to leave…now yous can't leave"…then proceeds to beat the snot out of Schultz.

  16. Look at schultz's face!!!! schultz is absolutely TERRIFIED of Larry Robinson. Whatsa matter, schultz? You're not going against a smaller, weaker opponent? You're not attacking anyone from behind? Atta boy, Larry!!! schultz got his cowardly azz kicked!!! Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!

  17. Это была самая грязная команда в НХЛ .Грубость,драки,запугивание игроков.
    Лояльное отношение ихних арбитров.Кларк -это отпетый костолом.
    В открытую не стеснялся травмировать наших хоккеистов.(Харламова).
    Патологическая ненависть ко всему советскому в то время.
    (Жаль нашим игрокам не разрешали давать сдачи ,не ввязываться в потосовки с этими гуннами).
    Мы просто играли в другой хоккей.
    Драки-это часть шоу ихнего хоккея.
    А то что кто-то пострадает от этого,их не волновало.К счастью,дальше двух выигранных кубков 74 и 75 годов,у них больше никогда не было.И хорошо.Болельщики больше будут помнить комбинационный хоккей,который показывали Канадиенс и Айлендерс,в то время.
    А Флайерс,это исключение из правил.

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