@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Les coyotes disent au revoir au désert

Après une victoire de 5-2 contre les Oilers d’Edmonton, les Coyotes de l’Arizona disent au revoir à leurs partisans après 27 saisons dans le désert


  1. I feel sad for you guys in Arizona losing the Coyotes to Salt Lake City. The Sharks and the Coyotes had their first & only meeting in the 2002 Stanley Cup Playoffs. We almost lost the Sacramento Kings 🏀 team to Anaheim and Seattle.

    Salt Lake City sucks!

  2. I feel very sad for the Arizona fans, but at the same time, if you are in the fifth largest city in the country and your team only turns a profit two times in 28 years, then clearly that city doesn't want a team. Hopefully this team finds success in Salt Lake City. It's sad to see the Coyotes go, but it will most likely be good for the sport in the long run for them to move to somewhere that's actually interested in having a team

  3. i never admitted it to myself properly but. this team means so much to me. they were never my main team but. i loved them so dearly. i always kept up with them. i can't bear what's happened to them. please someone else come finally save this team. please. i'm begging and pleading. i'm bawling my eyes out thinking about how long i hoped they would finally turn the corner. i was so optimistic at the beginning of this season too. all for nothing. good game, coyotes. i miss you already. i'm sorry to every roadrunners fan who is now significantly further away from their arena as they move into mullet to play out the lease. tuscon doesn't deserve this. arizona doesn't deserve this.

  4. From a hawks fan i can't imagine the pain of losing your favorite team due to poor ownership…. it's been fun yotes best of luck in salt Lake

  5. As a flames fan I have always had a soft spot for the yotes as bad as they were you couldn't hate them, they've been the punching bag of the nhl and deserved better hope if they are still tge yotes in Utah they become respected 😢

  6. After knowing you guys for so long, it's hard to say goodbye to a Team I've known since I was a kid.
    You will always be remembered by all NHL Fans from the past to nowadays.
    As a 28 Year Old Flames Fan (I was born in 1996) I will always remember you guys.
    Someday in the Future, the Coyotes will return to the NHL 🏒 but unfortunately it would be long years away 😢
    Goodbye Coyotes, you will always be remembered 😢
    Sincerely, Calgary Flames 🔥 Fan

  7. Продолжительность жизни койотов, живущих в диких условиях, составляет около 5 лет.
    В неволе этот зверь способен прожить до 18 лет.

  8. Lifelong Flyers fan living in Phoenix. Loved going to Coyotes games growing up even though travelling to the West Side was always a painful venture. I am gonna miss watching them on TV and am hoping that Arizona gets another chance in the NHL in the future.

  9. As a canucks fan I’m very glad to see the coyotes win there final home game, I’m going to miss the team. I really hope the owner can get everything done by 2027. Just would be sad to see this team go & not return because of what happened.

  10. As a Red Wings fan at birth, the Coyotes were the team I CHOSE to be a fan of. Since 2005 when I had enough brainpower to like something, I went Coyotes. I watched tonights game from Michigan and from the last 1 minute 30 seconds until the end of the broadcast, it was water works. I'm 23 now and have been a Yotes fan by choice since I was about 5. Will always love the Coyotes and I will never forget disobeying my parents bedtimes to watch the 2012 playoff run with Vrbata as my favourite player. Thank you Coyotes, and I pray that one day you'll be back.

  11. I remember in Winnipeg in 1996 we said: PHOENIX, TAKE CARE OF OUR BOYS ! You had ONE job, and you didnt do it.

  12. The First Golden Knights home game was against the Coyotes, sad to see this happen. Always wanted to travel to Arizona to see a game against the two.

  13. Giving me goosebumps as I watch this. Hate this for the fans and all the people involved making the game happen. Most now without a job. LOTS of people losing out tonight. Thank you for the memories and thank you for bringing/making hockey in the desert REAL!!!!

  14. Just leaves a lot of questions. Are they gonna change the name? Keep it and become the Salt Lake City Coyotes? Or when the expansion Arizona team comes back we get a Browns situation and the Coyotes resurrect that way?

  15. Born and raised in Arizona.. never had I cried so hard for any of the teams. I was born into this coyotes franchise and followed them my whole life.. this is absolutely rough.

  16. And just think Bettman will offer this guy another org in a few years from expansion…they need a real owner if AZ truely has a chance again.

  17. As a wild fan I am sad to see them go…I had the Nirth Stars leave mn to tx now coyotes to salt Lake, sad day in hockey to have another team go. I loved to go to the games

  18. The arena situation was a mess, the whole thing was a nightmare, but the way this ended will never be fair to the fans, the state, or the people who worked through all those problems to play hockey in a desert 🙁

  19. The leagues true underdog organization, and as a struggling Leafs fan, to which I honestly question why I am still a Leafs fan, the 'Yotes just never had it easy, ever since day one, but much like Leafs fans? Yotes fans don't quit, neither. I don't like seeing this team leave, the one team I think every hockey fan secretly wants to see succeed. Well, at least they got a win for the fans. Bittersweet, but the most positive way to end it. I'm going to miss seeing Coyotes keep up those wins when they'd visit Toronto.

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