@Kraken de Seattle

Burakovsky jouera pour la Suède aux Mondiaux

Burakovsky jouera pour la Suède aux Mondiaux



  1. DijkstrasPathway

    Article is in Swedish so Google Translate might be getting something wrong but the interesting part to me was about his injuries:

    > »It has been extremely frustrating. I missed half of last season due to groin surgery and then I came back and played four games before breaking my collarbone in four places and having to have surgery. »
    « And it didn’t end there, I only managed to play one match before it was time again… This time it was the stomach muscle that required surgery. After that I came back for a while before suffering a sprained ankle. »

  2. surfingeagles

    Saw Larson declined and can’t blame him. Spend some time with your new baby!!

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