@Coyotes de l'Arizona

L’avenir du hockey en Arizona | Conférence de presse COMPLÈTE de Gary Bettman et Alex Meruelo

Le commissaire de la LNH, Gary Bettman, et le propriétaire des Coyotes de l’Arizona, Alex Meruelo, tiennent une conférence de presse pour discuter des dernières nouvelles et des détails concernant la franchise délocalisée de l’Arizona. ————————————————— Abonnez-vous à Sportsnet sur YouTube – http://sprtsnt.ca/2paAT2L Regardez Sportsnet sur Sportsnet+ – http://sportsnetplus.ca Visitez Sportsnet.ca pour plus de nouvelles et de faits saillants sur les sports – http://www.sportsnet.ca https://www.facebook .com/sportsnet https://twitter.com/sportsnet https://www.instagram.com/sportsnet/ https://www.tiktok.com/@sportsnet ————- ——————————— Sportsnet est le réseau sportif numéro 1 au Canada. Votre maison pour les derniers moments forts, les dernières nouvelles sportives, des interviews approfondies d’athlètes, des podcasts de pointe, des diffusions en direct et bien plus encore. Ne manquez pas un seul but marquant, un énorme home run, un dunk exceptionnel ou une fin de combat choquante. Obtenez des informations exclusives et des informations de pointe sur le secteur avec un accès inégalé. Apprenez à connaître une autre facette de vos superstars sportives préférées dans des interviews comiques uniques et décalées. Sportsnet est le guichet unique pour le fan qui sommeille en chacun de nous. ————————————————————- Sportsnet est le # du Canada 1 Réseau Sportif. Votre maison pour les derniers moments forts, les dernières nouvelles sportives, des interviews approfondies d’athlètes, des podcasts de pointe, des diffusions en direct et bien plus encore. Ne manquez pas un seul but marquant, un énorme home run, un dunk exceptionnel ou un touché époustouflant. Obtenez des informations exclusives et des informations de pointe sur le secteur avec un accès inégalé. Apprenez à connaître une autre facette de vos superstars sportives préférées dans des interviews comiques uniques et décalées. Sportsnet est le guichet unique pour le fan qui sommeille en chacun de nous. ———————————————- #LNH #Hockey #ArizonaCoyotes


  1. When the NHL rumored Nashville would move I spammed Bettmans email until his secretary reached out to tell me "STOP, We aren't going to move them". That's why I'm the Alpha

  2. Hey I'm new to this situation and I'm a Red Wings fan but why are people mad at the Alex guy? Along with other concerns and who is he thank you!

  3. Bettman should retire. The fan base is aggravated with his old ass. STOP EXPANSION the league is so watered down and the playoff for,at is a joke RETIRE !!!!!?

  4. Bettman is full of crap…i am not a fan of this club…with this said he thinks hockey fans are stupid…there is no way that they didn't know until the 2am dead line…no business dealing with billions of dollars just happens over night and that's essentially what he is saying…they hanged the city and fans out to dry in the long run…this is how this evil man operates…like a mafia guru.

  5. |f they let that snake slither back in as an owner it will be a big mistake.

  6. Love him or hate him Bettman does exactly what his job should do…defending money mark owners well

  7. BULLSHIT….Quebec has an arena and $$$ and the Canadians have given the ok QUEBEC should of been given preference ….- not a Quebec or Montreal fan GoJetsGo….sad to see YOTES leave but they've tried and failed….move on

  8. Why is the nhl so adamant on having a franchise in Arizona ???

    The city has proven for time and time again that they don't want a hockey team

  9. Good riddance to the Arizona Coyotes. This team never got good fan support from the city of Phoenix. In reality its fans are the blame for this hockey team leaving Arizona. Getting a new arena isn't going to be enough to save this team. There isn't enough fan support over the long term to keep a team in the city of Phoenix.

  10. One of the few times Gary looks better than these reporters that dont even watch the sport.

  11. This was a mastercass from Gary Bettman in how to step up and manage tough situations and questions. I'll watch this over many times on how to conduct myself as management in tough situations

  12. Coyotes owner looks and sounds like a complete dickhead. Utah owner looks weird too, but he ain't as sketchy as this guy. Body language and facial expression shows he's a LIAR. Don't ever let him own a sports franchise again!

  13. It time to get Bettman out of NHL. He is worse commissioner that NHL ever had. He know nothing about hockey all he know is MONEY.

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