@Flyers de Philadelphie

Réflexions d’Elliotte Friedman sur la prolongation de Fedotov + Atkinson et Farabee

Réflexions d’Elliotte Friedman sur la prolongation de Fedotov + Atkinson et Farabee



  1. Streetkillz13

    Farabee would shock no one. He absolutely disappeared in the most important moments of the season, which were arguably the most important games of his career so far.

    I love Joel, and would hate to see him go, but if moving him can help the rebuild it’s something you have to look into.

  2. upcan845

    I’m not necessarily opposed to trading Farabee, but I have to wonder what that trade looks like.

    Does Briere trade Farabee for futures, similar to the Brayden Schenn trade? I don’t think so.

    What does a hockey trade look like with Farabee? And for who? If he’s the basis of a Zegras trade, great. If he’s the basis of a Chychrun trade, that would feel a bit forced to me.

  3. Exzrian_Artistrana

    Atty isn’t gonna be a Flyer come the off-season, I can almost 100% see that. He produced next to nothing, and was genuinely chance after chance and Even Torts—having coached him in Columbus—was pretty disappointed in his play. I feel he’s either gonna be a low trade asset, or just let him float into free agency.

    Breezy…as much I would hate to see him out of the orange and black, I would argue is better trading piece than a 4L winger. If he does get an extension, it’s gonna be a tight one that he’s gonna have to prove. And prove heavily!

  4. westberry82

    Thoughts on goalies? Bc without a goalie we aren’t going anywhere.

    I refuse to judge Fedorov before half a season – based on what he went through.

    Ersson is not my first pick. But I’ll give him time over this messed up season.


  5. PanjoKazooie

    It’s wild the leash this sub gives Frost with two good half seasons of hockey vs Farabee who is younger and has had one bad half season of hockey with way more nhl games played.

    Would trade Farabee in a package for a younger c with more upside but I think we’d regret anything else and it’s not like he’s at peak trade value at the moment anyway.

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