@Ligue nationale de hockey

Stone et Pietrangelo sont en bonne santé pour le premier match

Stone et Pietrangelo sont en bonne santé pour le premier match



  1. Nathanh2234

    Well slap my ass and call me Sally.

  2. South-West

    How is this still going on? I understand the need for IR relief during the season, as a team still needs to fill a roster, I even get that only a portion of a cap hit applies to players acquired at the deadline, but is it so hard for a team being required to ice a cap team during playoff games? Like if stone and pietangelo are going to play game 1, then other players can’t dress, they will have to be in the press box.

  3. Hungry_Definition450

    Golden Showers are a trash bin org in trash bin city. All their fans work at casinos.

  4. gentleman_bronco

    You don’t fuck with tradition.

  5. goodbye9hello10

    What a fucking surprise, fuck Vegas and fuck Mark Stone and Pietrangelo. Dirty fucks.

  6. stickeeBit

    ok so imma changin my brawl call from ‘punchim inda troat!!!!’ to ‘punchim inda spleeeeeen!!!!’

  7. SawsageKingofChicago

    It’s cowabunga, then. Good.

  8. Arch3r86

    Yep: Fuck Vegas.

    Fool me once, sure. Fool me 2-3 more times (in a row?) and you’re just outright dirty scumbags.


  9. Own-Low-5601

    The annual “Mark Stone miraculously recovers in time for the playoffs” BS

  10. Grizz709

    Wow, guys. I can’t see why they don’t teach medical doctors across the country these medical secrets are. I’m sure people suffering in palliative care could use their help.

  11. aZombieSlayer

    Bring back whoever, I just don’t want shit officiating.

    I don’t want any excuses from Vegas fans after.

  12. fendersux

    I distinctly remember Vegas Golden Shower fans adamantly defending Stone’s spleen injury and being aghast about people questioning his integrity regarding LTIR.

    Shockingly, the expected result by everyone outside of Vegas happened.

  13. commodore_stab1789

    And just like that, Vegas has $18m more on their payroll than Dallas.

    Fair and balanced.

  14. SpeakerOfTruth1969

    Best f*cken medical staff in the universe. Always managing to make their whole roster healthy and game ready right about April 20. 🙄🙄🙄

    God, I hope Dallas kicks the crap out of them. (Though as a Jets fan, I hope the series goes 7 games. All in triple overtime.)

  15. BigVuVu

    fuck this team, i hope Dallas sweeps these pieces of shit

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