@Coyotes de l'Arizona

La LNH tient une conférence de presse en Arizona

Le propriétaire des Coyotes se joint au commissaire de la LNH pour répondre alors que les joueurs se préparent pour le déménagement dans l’Utah : https://bit.ly/3xGKL8T


  1. I’m sorry for all your Phoenix coyote fans out in Arizona, but you’re not getting the coyotes back. It’s not gonna happen and he’s not gonna win that land auction. The mayor is gonna make sure Of that.

  2. 2 rats jumping off the sinking ship, it was a disaster from the beginning, Bettman has a part to play in this fiasco. How can he continue to be in the loop, if Quebec City and Hartford aren't? The NHL has stunk too high heaven, ever since Bettman took over.

  3. Meurelo wasnt even paying the teams hotel bills this season, i think the nhl best just let him go away

  4. Classic Bettman– Let's not think about all of the ways the Coyotes management pissed off local communities, vendors, landlords, etc. Let's not talk about how Bettman was steadfast about keeping hockey in Arizona until $1 Billion materialized in Utah. Let's not talk about the windfall each current franchise will receive in relocation fees because the league bought out the Coyotes and granted Utah this franchise. Meruelo's statement sounded like he was reading a book report he didn't write. He then declares the Roadrunners will move to ASU… then backpedals, saying he doesn't know if they'll move… This guy is poison to the AHL and the NHL and needs to go away.

  5. Tempe rather have a Dump than an NHL team. The referendum doomed the Coyotes, not to mention previous ownership. The people of Tempe and the Mayor of Scottsdale should be proud of themselves. Shame on them, no one ever thinks about the fans and the revenue that will be lost. Utah is getting a good young hockey team built by Alex Meruelo. I hope he wins the land auction, builds a first class arena and Coyotes 2.0 thrive in the desert.

  6. This was very interesting to watch and I sincerely hope that all of this works-out in the long term.

  7. Bettman is so rude. Credit to these guys for speaking publicly, though. Still both weasels. And don't take the Phoenix failure out on the fans in Tucson. Leave the Roadrunners alone.

  8. Never should have left Phoenix. These bozos sold (moved from Phoenix) while the stock was down instead of holding and now they don't have a team anymore and the fans suffer.

  9. Let's be realistic, Salt Lake City is a much more suitable location for a winter based sport than the desert

  10. God Bless owner Martello for NOT giving into the WOKE FOAX and standing up to the fans!! I stand behind Martello for Not paying the bills, hotels and and restaurants for over charging billionaires like me and him!! King Trump

  11. Gary Bettman is a extremely intelligent man and as a fan of the Jets 1.0 and Jets 2.0 I respect the man.

  12. The coyotes are a fail from the start, he knows it , we know it. Is it a coincidence that the Stanley cup never made it back in Canada since Mtl in 1993, the year Bettman started as a commissioner 🤔? 3 lockouts, bad decisions with atlanta winnipeg and now phoenix and the fact there is 32 teams wich is to much….. bettman need to retired and make place for new ideas and younger commissioner plain and simple

  13. Watch this conference and the salt lake one, the Smith’s understand it’s about community, the AZ conference he starts off with money and it’s all about making money for him. The profit comes with success. The desert dogs are doomed with this guy

  14. After reading, and listening to different people about this situation. I must say i think Gary Bettman is a sleze bag in this situation. I understand the pain and heartache that yall have. Gary Bettman was hoping this would happen so he could move a young up incoming good team to his mormon buddies up in Uath. BTW this is coming from a fellow Mormon who left the church. If im AZ screw the NHL .

  15. What's wrong with the ex owner? He seems slow and confused! Something is off with that guy! I wouldn't give him another team. He hasn't done crap all these years and i read he didn't pay the bills for the hotels for away games.

  16. This was a fkn WAKE for nhl in az. Coincedence or not ahl moves to mullet with one year remaining on yote mullett lease. And liar metulo didn't spend $ 7 mil. on yes campaign. He spent only $500,000 compared to NO campaiign spending $2 mil. Stop being delusional bettman and az. fans. This guy is not delivering nhl hockey back to az.

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