@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Revue du premier match des Maple Leafs contre les Bruins

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  1. I get a real kick out of every Bruin review.. there's a note of pessimism even in these games..I will disagree..a shot total doesn't dictate flow of the game necessarily..I thought the Bruins took advantage of Toronto's over aggressive style from the jump..Toronto is always in this" let's prove ourselves physically" mentality vs the Bs..This is how the Bs win and no one seems to like it or want to admit it.. they're not going to over excite you like Matthews and Mariner will, they just win alot of games

  2. Tampa Bay was a much better team and actually dictating play the whole way. Boston didn't severely outplay, they weren't lights out or even as good as they can be, they were just good. The Leafs were bad outside of the first 6 minutes of the third.

  3. I went to sleep after the Bruins went up 2-0 and told my dad, don't be surprised if that post by Matthews would be the turning point of the game.

  4. I ignored the shots on goal lead by Toronto. A lot of them were just flips from the outside as they couldn't penetrate toward the net with the puck nearly often enough.

  5. 😅😅🤣🤣😂😂Love it!!! Were they chanting we want Boston beforehand??? I hope so. Love the feeling of disappointment coming from Leaf fans, maybe that's why I love early spring so much!

  6. Most Leafs fans openly want the sweep. We want this entire core, coach, GM, assistant coach & GM, pp coach, and all goalies GONE. Matthews is soo trash in tight checking physical games.

  7. Is desperately want the Leafs to defeat Boston in this series but the memes are so damn funny 😂

  8. The power core four can wallow in their millions of dollars. They put the pressure on themselves that if they don’t score 700 goals every game it’s a wash

  9. I did not think Toronto played a good game. They did not work hard enough and lost to many fights for the puck. Finally they started playing in the third period but it was too late. And too many penalties.

  10. THG brought up some good points. Toronto had possession for large amounts of time. Boston took advantage when they had chances. Swayman was the difference maker. Samsonov didn't have a great game,but he wasn't as bad as social media is making him out to be. His d men have to clear out in front of the net better. This game was closer than the final score indicates. Now as a Boston fan,going to go visit Dangle and watch his meltdown.

  11. Toronto maybe more defense zone in first period (with transition offense passing), more neutral zone in second period (forecheck and puck possession), more offense zone in third period?

  12. Matthews had 69 goals in the reg. season. If he keeps this up, and goes goalless with the Leafs bowing out in the first round, 2024 will have to be the "Summer of '69" forever and ever

  13. Game turned on Matthews missing that wide open net. He needs more snarl. Whit from Spittin’ Chiclets theory is win the Pres trophy next year win the cup. So he is picking the B’s.

  14. Well, this'll be quick. Matthews, Marner, and Tavares weren't really there, again. O'Keefe (Toronto's fat dad coach) didn't have his team ready. This is over!

  15. I don't lay this one on Sammy. Sure, you can say that you need to get one unexpected save, but with two PPGs and so many other breakdowns, the result won't be different with Woll in net. Heck, it wouldn't be different with Brodeur or Roy in their primes in net. The Leafs can win this series with the goaltending they have, but they can't win if the breakdowns with the guys outside the crease keep happening.

  16. Life as usual. Americans paid their taxes. The Leafs played the Bruins and lost in what appears to be a humiliating fashion. The world continues to exist, but Toronto’s playoffs diminish.

  17. You don't have to be a psychic to predict the leafs are going to have a great season and then blow it in the playoffs in thefirst round.

  18. @pleaseleafswin9440
    26 seconds ago
    There is no way Sheldon can survive at the end of this series. I thought the bruins would take it in 7 games. I was wrong. I think its going to be Bruins in 4 or 5 games. Trade their top players for some first round picks and start the rebuilding process again

  19. It's only one game. However there's a trend, and not a good one for the Leafs. On paper, going down the roster the Leafs should have an edge. That doesn't translate automatically to a great team.
    The Leafs now have the pleasure to face Ullmark next. If the B's win on Monday this series will be over in 5 games. Please keep Domi and Reaves in the line up.

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