@Predators de Nashville

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  1. SunnyBummers

    Dawg I know the struggle. I’ve got work tomorrow morning

  2. More_Advertising_383

    Don’t call yourself a fan if you choose to sleep through a playoff game, idgaf.

  3. Bolt-Gang-21

    I’m watching it for sure, but it starts at 8 for me

  4. WeedLMT69

    I’ve got a 6am flight from Nashville in the morning… pretty sure I’m just gonna stay up all night then sleep on the plane

  5. farmerjim12

    So glad I have a planning period first thing tomorrow – can take a 90 minute break before educating little idiots

  6. Alteredecho07

    There is only one button and it ain’t blue

  7. Kroger453PredsFan

    I wake up at 4am go in at 5am every day I work, and have for years now. I’m gonna be dead tired tomorrow, but sleep can wait. I did the same thing after the 3OT game against the Sharks and I’ve never regretted it.

  8. mleyd001

    Maybe I won’t wake up at 5am naturally after watching…

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