@Hurricanes de la Caroline

sommes-nous gênés, famille ??

sommes-nous gênés, famille ??



  1. ninjitsuko

    Not really. Both teams were diving left and right all night. Islander fans seem to be calling one of the few legitimate calls illegitimate, ironically. Islanders had a few blatant cross checks that the refs blatantly ignored, same with a few trips. We had a few calls the refs blatantly ignored too, same deal.

    What most fans don’t seem to understand is that officials also “moderate the tone of the game.” Which means they will utilize judgment calls as to whether they should call a penalty or not. What does this mean? Sometimes they’re going to pick the dives over legitimate trips/slashes, sometimes they’re going to turn a blind eye to blatant violations on both teams, and so forth.

    Because of this, officials are the scapegoat of any underperforming team. I think all of us, including the team members themselves, know that the Canes are far more capable than they presented themselves last night. Perhaps it was the six day rest for our first string players, maybe it was just playoff jitters. Either way, they need to step it up and not let off of the gas, oil, and gravy.

  2. WoodsFinder

    There’s no doubt that was a slash and should have been called.  Svech gets called for less. I’d like to see any of those Isles fans complaining about that call be on the receiving end of a slash like that and see if they stay up on their skates. 

    I was pleasantly surprised that the game was called evenly.  Some things that could have been called were let go both ways, but at least it wasn’t one-sided like it sometimes is.

  3. ZorroMcChucknorris

    Yes, the Lady Byng trophy winner dove, the slash was a nothingberder. /s

  4. NedThomas

    I’m pretty embarrassed that we couldn’t score on the resulting power play.

  5. socialaxolotl

    I’m more embarrassed for the amount of crying the Islanders fans have been doing over this like palmieri had to do it in the first place

  6. Sherpa-Jeff

    Not embarrassed in the least, especially given that it’s Slavin. Diving isn’t his thing.

  7. SokkasBoomerang3

    I’m convinced people don’t know basic reflex arc pathways. The back of the knee undergoes a reflex involuntary response, similar to the doctor hitting the patella with a little hammer and you “kick”

    It’s to prevent injury

  8. CommunicationDry8047

    Anyone that thinks thats a dive oughta put their money where their mouth is and take a slash like that at the back of the leg. I bet their view would change extremely quick

  9. turgon88

    I’ll take this call as payment for the slash I saw on Necas by the benches that wasn’t called

  10. sftwareguy

    You can send someone to their knees by coming up behind them and hitting the joint portion of their knees with your knee caps. If you hit the on the back of the thigh or calf, nothing will happen but you hit them in the right spot behind their joint they will crumple to the floor. Try it.

  11. HughJeCaniac

    I was more concerned with the Kochetkov kick a few weeks ago. It’s hard to see the finer details of the slash but I’ve been hit in the back of the knee while standing and that leg gave out, I could see Slavin losing his footing from it. I would not like that to happen to me on ice skates. This is a good example of « two wrongs don’t make a right; » if you don’t want someone to dive and give you a slashing call, don’t give the player that opportunity.

  12. Far-Two8659

    Slavin’s movement is irrelevant to whether this was a slash, and somehow everyone forgets that.

    It is 100% a slash. Anyone arguing otherwise is an idiot.

  13. Responsible_Fan8665

    Isles should of won last night and are pissed they can’t beat the canes when they played terrible. Sucks to suck

  14. Responsible_Fan8665

    I love this time of year. The north east hates Hates HATES losing to the canes.

  15. Kaden_Canes

    No, islanders are blaming the whole loss on it when that’s not the sole reason they lost this game

  16. CultBro

    A little bit but he intentionally slashed where there is no padding so he deserved a penalty

  17. Medium_Ad_4451

    So the team that takes the most cheap shots in the league is getting called out? Oh no anyway

  18. seftnir

    They’ve gotten tired of blaming the refs for being incompetent, so have switched to calling the Canes divers to cope with their terrible PK. Then all the haters come out of the woodwork. Saw plenty of brain dead takes on r/hockey threads about the game, like the only reason Rod’s had success as a coach is that he had good players (implying anyone could have success with this group). Bill Peters 🤮 couldn’t win here with much of the same players Rod had his first season. Look at Calgary that first season Peters 🤮 was ~~abusing their players~~ their coach, they were +23 points over the previous season, 3rd in the NHL, and won their division. The Canes were +16 points and got into the playoffs as a wildcard by 3 points over the Habs.

    Also, we had higher Cup odds (+6600 vs +8000) and O/U for points (92.5 vs. 86.5) in 2017/18 pre-season than 2018/19 preseason. Obviously, Vegas thought the team wasn’t making the playoffs that season before it kicked off. Money talks more than a bunch of whining fans on Reddit or Twitter.

  19. xtzferocity

    They need an excuse for how they lost. I think someone should let isles fans know that you need to score goals to win hockey games.

  20. RentalGore

    I’d be more embarrassed if one of my stars took a penalty in retaliation in a 1 goal game in the 3rd period honestly.

  21. MobysBanned

    Neutral party: Don’t care much about either team. That was 100% a slash and should get called. It was also 100% embellishment and should also get called. Don’t need this to become the new foul in basketball. Take ’em both to the box

  22. Kitchen-Window9007

    Not at all. I absolutely love it. They’re coping so hard, it’s funny. They are more focused on this than actually trying to win.

  23. DJBoost

    It’s not diving if it’s not called for it.

  24. SMA2343

    Nope. Keep your stick on the ice. No reason why to be doing this

  25. Cakalacky

    Even if it was a dive I love the whole idea in sports about « you should be embarrassed to be a fan of ___ because of ____ »

    Like what? Your right I’ll give myself 20 lashes and stand outside to start apologizing? These people don’t pay my bills, why should I personally be embarrassed lol. Always so laughable to me.

  26. TrucksAndBongs

    Ah yes we should be embarrassed as fans, cause we are definitely the ones who made the calls.

  27. that-bro-dad

    Yes, the people paying to watch the game are responsible for this situation

  28. degen4Iyf

    Pls never post Frankie on here again lol. Dude probably legit cried over this call

  29. Chilidogmontez

    A little, players need to quit diving this is a real sport not the nba or soccer

  30. StrunkF10

    Diving is such a joke in sports. Every team knows to embellish to get the refs attention across all sports. It’s smart when your team does it and diving when it’s against your team. Nothing earth shattering here.

  31. Wolfloup

    My thoughts, how many of these crying fans been hit in the back of the leg like this? Been a beer league player and it hurts getting hit there , no matter how hard…..

  32. ripinpeace12

    Textbook definition slash by the rule book. But “muh feelz”

  33. macaroni_3000

    I am not. Dive on if that’s what they want to call it. You think teams like the Bruins and Caps haven’t been doing shit like this for years? Of course they have. Veteran teams know where the edges of the rulebook are, if the Isles don’t like it too fucking bad, they can either whine or get better.

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