@Sabres de Buffalo

Les Sabres de Buffalo embauchent LINDY RUFF comme prochain entraîneur-chef

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  1. Im with Charlie, Please please get rid of D coach Marty Wilford and PP – forward coach Matt Ellis( expiring contracts , is this why they werent fired??) . See if Michael Peca wil leave the Rags ( NYR) to take over for Ellis and ask Jay Mckee ( now head coach in the OHL with the Brantford Bulldogs ) if he wants to make the jump to the NHL.
    Lastly after the playoffs hopefully Adams will follow through on his word when he said last week that he wants to make his bottom 6 more " abrasive!" If this is true Im assuming we've seen the last of Girgenson , Jost , Olofsson and Krebs in Sabres uniforms?
    Thanks for the video,!

  2. Ruff returns- so does buffalo's playoff hopes and dreams. I love Lindy. Great guy and amazing coach.

  3. If I need to take out some Xenomorphs, I'm going with Ripley. It's the same thing here…someone who loves this city, has experience with this city, and always said his goal was to win the Stanley Cup for Buffalo.

  4. Such a Buffalo move – seems to mean no other "winning" coach wanted to go to Buffalo lol

  5. I hope he has grown. I remember what he did to Vanick. I remember the boring 2 to 1 hockey games . I don't like playing not to lose. His last two jobs didn't last , hopefully not for good reason. I am very close to just giving up on the Sabres and I don't find this encouraging news. Wait and see, that's All we can do. I really hope he succeeds.

  6. Listen, I don't hate Lindy. Great guy. Appreciate everything he did/has done, but this feels way too much like a nostalgia hire. Kevyn will deny it (already said it wasn't), but there is still too much here to scratch my head at. It's been literally one week since the season ended. Would have liked to see them go through a thorough interview process. Feels a lot to me like, "Who can we hire to fill the seats at the beginning of the year" only to fall off as usual. I'll happily eat my words if it works, but I'm pretty indifferent.

  7. were doomed, I cannot believe they hired this person back, what was GM Adams thinking, he did not even interview any good Head Coaches before this ridiculous move, great

    were never making the playoffs now, this ruined my whole day

  8. This is a great hire! Now let's go out and get another player to put us over the top!

  9. Train wreck ahead. Just so Ruff can come full circle before he retires ? What did he do for new jersey ? Not much.. Jack Hughes was the only good thing . This won't end well.

  10. I think he should hire a younger assistant he could groom for a few seasons that could take his place when he retires maybe like a Michael Peca

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