@Golden Knights de Vegas

Tu ne peux sérieusement pas t’inventer

Il y a à peine 2 mois, Mark Stone a de nouveau été mis en LTIR. Cette fois pour une rate lacérée et c’est arrivé juste 2 semaines avant la date limite des échanges… quelle fortune ! Car cela a permis à Vegas de sortir et d’acquérir Thomas Hertl ainsi que Noah Hanifin. Après avoir obtenu une place pour les séries éliminatoires, leur série Dallas Stars vs Vegas Golden Knights était sur le point de commencer aujourd’hui et comme sur des roulettes, Mark Stone a quitté le LTIR. Mieux encore, William Carrier a également été activé depuis l’IR. Vraiment, un miracle ! Au cours des 3 dernières années, Stone a été activé hors du LTIR quelques jours seulement avant les séries éliminatoires toutes les 3 années. Donc, avec son retour sur la glace pour la première fois en 26 matchs, cela s’est déroulé exactement selon le scénario. Hanifin, Stone et Hertl s’associent pour une soirée à 4 points. Après seulement 26 secondes de jeu, les Stars ont obtenu un penalty. Les chevaliers se sont mis au travail et devinez qui ? C’était Mark Stone lors de sa toute première présence avec le premier but de la série ! Tu ne peux vraiment pas t’inventer. Les Stars se sont battus derrière le reste du match dans ce qui était globalement amusant. Je couvre tout cela dans la vidéo de hockey de la LNH d’aujourd’hui !


  1. The teams can fix this loophole in 2 years with the new CBA. If they don’t, then they are saying it is okay to do and that no one can whine or complain about who does it

  2. I just don’t like Vegas they’re a good team but the are exploiting a rule to get more cap it stupid

  3. I have to cheer for Dallas even as a Wild fan because they’re one of the top teams and they aren’t over the cap 😅

  4. It's not cheating…… YET. It's just blatant abuse of a stupid system. Which will get fixed the next time the CBA is up.

  5. Dallas fan. Every time the bally broadcast showed Stone on the bench he was wincing in a lot of pain. He’s able to play, but he’s clearly going through something at the same time.

  6. Remember how the Wild and others were penalized for having players sign contracts that were within the rules at the time?

  7. The team from vegas is slimey and "cheats"😂? Guys come on…..they are 100% what they should be. Enjoy the controversy and have fun. Just a game

  8. Man what is it with all these haters and "look I dont hate VGK winkwink" grifters not owning up that Mark Stone came back in the regular season and missed the playoffs 2022? It's almost as if it ruins the narrative lol

  9. if I was Dallas and it was looking like a sweep, it would be hard for me as a player to not want to make sure stone continues his injuries in the playoffs

  10. The boos make it even more hilarious because the crowd went completely silent once the time ran out in the 3rd hahaha

  11. A lot of teams use this rule to their advantage. Vegas exploits it bc they can. Simple as that. Can’t be mad at a team for taking what they are given. Coming from a Dallas fan btw.

    Not worried yet. If you’ve watched Dallas over the past idk how long you should have been prepared for a game 1 loss. They played great and held back the Vegas offense quite a bit. A few bounces the other way and this would be a different story. Let’s go stars

  12. If the IR loophole isn't filled in the next CBA. I'm done with hockey.
    Well financed teams are going to be the only teams that will ever win Lord Stanley. Like the Yankees in baseball. The Lakers in basketball. The Pats (and now KC) in football.

  13. Vegas fans – Chill out a bit. I have no dog in this fight. I’m also not suggesting he faked a lacerated spleen. I do think they used it and played around with his return in a “legal” way though. They aren’t doing anything anyone else can’t do (for now). It is simply an observation of a miraculous “coincidence” worth at least mentioning imo. Enjoy your team. They’re built for the playoffs!

  14. Once is an accident, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. And, yes, I see the comments, "It's within the rules!" Great. So they're not cheating. By technicality. And, no, I don't have any teams in the playoffs. Just an outsider calling it like it is.

  15. I get that it's all legal. But it's super unsportsmanlike to use IR to stack your roster like that. I don't know if it's because of the ownership or the fact that they aren't a very old team, but they don't seem to have the same respect for other teams that the rest of the league does

  16. Look, I'm not disputing that Mark Stone is injured. I just think it's insane that he'd be ready just about exactly for the playoffs after being on LTIR three years in a row. There's no way that Vegas hasn't sneaked something in there, whether that's keeping him off the ice a little longer than necessary for cap reasons, or sending him out before he's fully healed. Neither of those is acceptable. They're allowed to use LTIR the same as everyone else, and they should have to scramble for it sometimes, just like everyone else.

  17. Is it me or does mark stone have the most punchable face in nhl along side marchand. U have to respect the guy. Dude can go filthy. That said i think its a little low class what they do with the ltir and such, like just a little rat move like when a team ices the puck and they cant remeber who was on ice and get a bit of a breather sorting it out because they cant change lines. But if its within the rules and other teams can do the same thing and benefit from it then i dont think anyone should be complaining about it. U cant get to mad when team wants to win and will do everything they can to win. I respect it. Wish my red wings would have some strive for greatness. But i still want to hit mark stone in face!! Lol

  18. The nhl is complicit in this too. They’ve allowed this to happen because Vegas as a market is so important to them.

  19. Do not forget about the two teams in the playoffs with higher cap totals than Vegas. Toronto at $97,645,821 and Tampa Bay at $93,776,877. Vegas at $92,239,581. Colorado at $90,957,006. Vegas is not the only team using LTIR.

  20. My favorite thing about this whole ordeal is the lineup they iced last night wouldve been an entire 750k over the cap, which isnt even min salary for a player 😂 Internet treating it like they're millions above the cap

  21. Stars fan here. I just want to say thanks for covering the Stars because it feels like we get overlooked a lot of the time. You're one of my favorite hockey content creators anyway, and I get extra stoked when I see some Stars content coming from you. Im flying to Dallas tomorrow specifically to see game 2, and I am optimistic it's going to be a good bounceback game for the boys.

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