@Capitals de Washington

Revue du deuxième match des Capitals contre les Rangers

Les Rangers ont désormais la mainmise sur celui-ci alors que la série se dirige vers Washington pour le match 3. Rejoignez cette chaîne pour accéder aux avantages : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_AFyA9FqrZ57bb9QRH77wg/join Rejoignez-nous sur notre discord pour discuter hockey, parlez avec les autres pendant le match, partagez des photos d’animaux de compagnie et bien plus encore. https://discord.gg/thehockeyguy Commandez des maillots auprès de Ben H Sports tout en économisant 10 % sur les prix indiqués sur eBay en lui envoyant un e-mail concernant les maillots que vous repérez dans ses annonces. ben.hoogenband@yahoo.ca Dites-lui simplement que c’est Shannon qui vous envoie. Soutenez The Hockey Guy via Patreon https://www.patreon.com/thehockeyguy https://www.facebook.com/youtubehockeyguy/ Instagram : thgshannon et thg_cats Spoutible : https://spoutible.com/TheHockeyGuy TheHockeyGuy.yt@gmail .com Contactez-moi par courrier postal à : The Hockey Guy PO Box 15038 Seven Oaks PO Abbotsford, BC V2S 8P1 Aux États-Unis : Shannon Skanes 1125 Fir Avenue Suite 119 Blaine, WA 98230


  1. The "statue-on-skates", Ovechkin, should have got at least one assist on Ranger goals tonight. Why is he playing? He should be resting till next season, when he can resume his chase of the Great one…

  2. Officials need to ne held accountable and giver pressers after the game. Joke both ways but def missed more on the Caps. Both teams have reasons to ne pissed with officials. Garbage like that leads to injuries

  3. Rangers sweep incoming. The caps slept their way through the season and are one of the teams that benefitted heavily from a late season philly choke. The other being the Islanders, but they showed up to take their playoff spot, not just linger and hope.

  4. Oshie was giving cheap shots all game on panarin up until that point where panarin had enough and gave him that hit

  5. <— biased, The Washington Capitals are the worst case of mental midgets we have ever seen on the ice in the playoffs ever.

  6. So many Ovechkin haters everywhere when the man falters. Go look at how other legends did at age 38, because Ovi is still playing better than most of them did including Howe, Messier, Jagr, Yzerman, Sakic, Gretzky (actually had the 10th most points by a 38 year old ever this season). Gretzky had 9 goals and -23 his age 37 season when he retired. Crosby turned it over in OT to give the caps the series win the year they won the cup. Just saying put everything into perspective.

  7. Wilson with the elbow at center ice is straight up gross behavior. What makes it even worse is oshie being the most dirty player on the ice ALL GAME. Refs need to keep game 3 tight with calls after missing so many tonight.

  8. Gus Bus 🚎 best playoff game yet. Mika Magic 🪄. Roslovic goal 🥅 was impressive and needed especially for 2nd PP group

  9. Felt bad for Ovi. He looked old and defeated at one point when the panned the cam at him after a NYR goal

  10. Tom Wilson has been the Caps best player this series. The problem is Ovi has been awful. He HAS to get more involved r the Caps will be golfing very soon

  11. the league should be embarrassed with this kind of officiating that was on display at this game

  12. My high points of the game:

    Mika going beast mode. He was all over the place.

    Watching Bread knock the shit out of TJ Oshie

    That short handed goal by Miller was a beauty

  13. Oshie is a piece of garbage these days and Ovi just looks like he wants to retire. Hopefully he does when the caps are done in this series.

  14. Asshole, asshole…yep the chant that started in the attitude era 😂 also, unlike the rest of the league, rangers fans chant "these refs suck" and not "refs ,you suck"

  15. The whole metro just needs to be tossed in the bin. Make a new division with the Rangers, Canes, and expansion teams.

  16. Sorry hockey guy. I thought your channel was the best hockey. Perhaps I was wrong. You showed your bias by calling out the missed hightstick on Panarinn from Oshie but justify the head hit on Oshie.
    Panarain knew exactly what he was doing. He knew it was Oshie that he had lined up. It was a premeditated hit to the head. That hit did not go through the body. That was a direct hit to the chin. To make it worse Panarin elevated himself during the hit.
    I'm calling you out. How can you justify that hit? You do realize if that's Tom Wilson hitting someone that is a 20 game suspension.
    And on the play in which they took the penalty away from Panarin. It was McMichael that got a roughing penalty. You said Oshie went after someone and got a penalty. Oshie didn't get involved in the scrum at all. Oshie went down tried to get up and went down again.
    You are making shit up. Do you even watch these games?

  17. Oldvechkin is no longer relevant and only cares about his regular season goal count. Father time is un-defeated. The effort he gave when he gave up the puck on the short handed goal against would get anybody else benched.

  18. Caps hanging around. Still don’t expect them to win the series, but they can make things interesting

  19. I was at the game. I’ve seen a lot of hockey and that was one of the worst officiated games I’ve ever seen. They missed a high stick that hit Panarin in the face, a trip on Mika, cross check by ovi into Lindgren’s back which hit him into the boards knocking his helmet off and an elbow by Wilson to Cuylle’s head on a face off. Like what game were they watching

  20. Really tired of everyone saying "the ref just missed it" when they are staring directly at the play and deliberately do not call it. It's not a miss, it's intentional.

  21. Ovie will always have his shot and will walk into a good number of regular season goals, but he looks old, tired and really slow. Getting his pocket picked for the Rangers' winning goal sums up his night.

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