@Stars de Dallas

Ils NE PEUVENT PAS continuer à s’en tirer comme ça…

Les Golden Knights de Vegas ont CONTRÔLÉ le premier match contre les Stars de Dallas et, lors du retour de Mark Stone dans l’alignement, ont fait exactement ce à quoi nous nous attendions tous… DOMINANT contre les Stars de Dallas après son retour de sa blessure LTIR, Mark Stone s’est une fois de plus transformé en la menace de la LNH… À quel point son retour avec les Golden Knights de Vegas a-t-il été louche ? Et ressemblent-ils maintenant à un favori pour GAGNER ENCORE la Coupe Stanley ? Découvrons-le avec les faits saillants, les analyses et plus encore des Golden Knights vs Stars ! #NHL #NHLPlayoffs #StanleyCup (Blessure de Mark Stone LTIR / Faits saillants des buts de Mark Stone / Faits saillants des Golden Knights de Vegas contre les Stars de Dallas / Faits saillants du match 1 des Golden Knights contre les Stars / Faits saillants des séries éliminatoires de la LNH / Récapitulatif des Golden Knights contre les Stars / Playoffs de la LNH 2024 / Playoffs de la LNH 2024 Prédictions / Prédictions des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley 2024 / Vainqueur de la Coupe Stanley 2024 / Prédictions et choix du classement de la LNH 2023-24 / Défi bracket de la LNH 2024 / Date limite des échanges de la LNH 2024 et Ducks d’Anaheim / Coyotes de l’Arizona / Bruins de Boston / Sabres de Buffalo / Flames de Calgary / Hurricanes de la Caroline / Avalanche du Colorado / Blue Jackets de Columbus / Blackhawks de Chicago / Stars de Dallas / Red Wings de Détroit / Oilers d’Edmonton / Panthers de la Floride / Kings de Los Angeles / Wild du Minnesota / Canadiens de Montréal / Devils du New Jersey / Rangers de New York / Islanders de New York / Sénateurs d’Ottawa / Philadelphie Flyers / Penguins de Pittsburgh / Lightning de Tampa Bay / Maple Leafs de Toronto / Canucks de Vancouver / Golden Knights de Vegas / Capitals de Washington / Jets de Winnipeg Faits saillants 2023-24) Suivez-moi sur Twitter, Instagram, TikTok et PLUS : https://linktr.ee/graviteh DISCORD COMMUNAUTAIRE GRAV ! : https://discord.gg/2rJJMGsePc MES VIDÉOS DE PROJET DE LNH 2023 ! : https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLM6i7Jz60mQweeZoMepv7mfMxbKdL7xHu MES VIDÉOS DE RUMEURS COMMERCIALES DE LA LNH ! : https://youtube.com /playlist?list=PLM6i7Jz60mQyQf_075qEzTyRKwPmxhh_f UN ÉNORME CRI AUX MEMBRES DU STUD ET DU CANAL SUPÉRIEUR ! Danny Palladini Matthew Dube Craig Skiff Faits saillants du hockey James Amodei Ken Connelly Rob Monkey Nicolas Lefebvre Phillip bridgeman Michel Richer Icelantel sugardaddyjesse Alex Levesque Keith Zielinski Hockey, arcade et pièces !!! Mike Martinez Salle Lachlan


  1. Let this depressed Stars fan have SOMETHING Vegas 😅 QOTD: Do YOU think the LTIR rules in the NHL should be changed? And how would YOU change them? I'd LOVE to know your thoughts y'all!!!

  2. I'm a Vegas fan but this has to stop, it delegitimizes the league and the Stanley cup, it's happening way too often and not just in Vegas.

  3. Wooooo vegas baby.
    My 2 favorite teams are the wild and wjo ever plays dallas. F dallas. Go vegas

  4. no one would be surprised if we find out vegas is cheating thats. i mean you dont even need a conspiracy theory just listing whats normal in the nhl today that wasnt true a decade or so ago we have sports gambling apps expand beyond the nfl- teams went to vegas including a new franchise in the knights- who just also conveniently resist the summoning sickness of every other normal expansion team. if theyre not cheating cheating itd make sense too cause who wants to be so noticeable about it. lets be real vegas on paper should be done. maybe not swept but done. until you get to the ltir hack; to put it bluntly i dont think it matters if its not cheating it pisses everyone off. the team owners prolly dont mind but who knows if theres any silliness every major sport goes down theyll have to nix this regardless if its effecting on ice outcomes cause simply put no one thinks its fair you can circumvent the cap. it has the obvious question- whats the point of it then>

  5. Make it so teams have to be cap compliant. You can use the LTIR to pick up another guy but once that player is healthy teams should be forced to make roster moves to stay under the cap. This would fix everything.

  6. Vegas shooting percentage in the playoffs is stagering.. lets not forget they beat florida 9-3 when they hoisted the cup… 9 frikken 3. Thats a florida team that ran through the eastern conference..
    Crazy. I hate vegas. If thats not a bandwagon fan base then such a thing doesnt exist.

  7. I bet you if every team in playoff contention started putting their no. 1 star player on LTIR just before the trade deadline, Gary's not going to be so okay with that.

  8. The NHL really has to do something about this. But.. they won't. Every other GM's wants their shot at doing the same thing. The LTIR rule you suggest is great, but the owners won't dig it.

  9. if a team uses ltir on a player….that player can't play in round 1. no matter when that player was used in ltir

  10. They would need to change either the way the players are paid for the playoffs (there is no salary cap just set money the team splits).. or simply not allow any teams to replace LTIR cap money. Any reasonable limit (like minimum games) players would still bring in these situations…. there is no perfect solution unless there is a salary cap in the playoffs…

  11. I know you are talking ltir in this video but I think the league should make it so the #1 in each conference can pick which wildcard team they want to play. It would make having that ranking more meaningful and allow for teams like Dallas not to get screwed for being great in the regular season.

  12. for me its as simple as you can put people on the LTIR but if they don't count against your cap in the regular season they cant play in the playoffs, if there too hurt to play they are too hurt, if you want to risk it go for it but it will keep any shenanigans from happening,

  13. honestly I think the salary cap should be implemented in the playoffs so it can't be exploited

  14. Ahhhh more cry babies, 🤦🏽‍♂️ cry Vegas a river why don’t you, a bunch lil girls crying over a loophole

  15. According to doctors a laceration of the splean takes 2 to 3 months for full recovery without any other intervention

  16. Why do you say all GMs have to do this to be competitive, but most aren't? The biggest factor to me seems to be the massive tax cuts in some areas. Look at Tampa, Vegas, and FL in recent years. Colorado gets taxed, but much lower than most states.

  17. We, as fans should demand that all cups on with cheating on the cap have an asterisk beside them. This is a joke. Personally I discard them….tampa a few years ago against Montreal and last year Vegas.

  18. Imagine being the guy who traded Mark Stone for Erik Brannstrom, Oscar Lindberg and a 2020 2nd round pick on February 25, 2019!

  19. Can someone please explain to me the NHL rationalization for the post-season cap rule change.
    Game one through Stanley Cup game 7 should have zero cap rules change.

  20. This discussion is just a snoozefest. Vegas is not the only team in the playoffs this year that has used LTIR to their advantage. Both Toronto and Tampa have higher cap hits than Vegas right now. If you want to talk about changes then lets talk about every team, not just Vegas.

  21. Let teams choose. If you want this LTIR Player in the playoffs he counts against your cap. If you don’t want him to count against your cap, you don’t get him in the playoffs.

  22. What if before each team's last game, every plater on LTIR must go through a league mandated physical and if that player is deemed healthy enough to play, they count against the team's cap for game 82.

  23. Ltir is the cap buster call it what it is ! The only way cheaters get sanctioned is if it affects the gambling side of it ! Otherwise cheating is seen as a clever means to an end ! Screw bettman!!

  24. the reason vegas is so good is because of the people not on the ice.
    they draft better than most teams.
    they trade better than any team.
    they spend more than any other team on salaries (bonuses).
    they treat their players to perks, like trips, car washes, clubhouse, etc.

    look at the oilers as contrast:
    they dont trade for players.
    players dont want to play there.
    they dont want to spend money.
    all they do is draft, and they arent even very good at it. draisitl might be their best draft pick… and that actually took some intuition.

    all these people getting mad at vegas, are really mad about how poorly ran their own team is.

  25. The only way to hurt the NHL and the GK is to not watch the GK games. Reduced revenue will make them wake up and change the rules or the practices.

    Boycott watching. The sponsors should stop sponsoring these games.

  26. Game one? How about for the whole first series? Not a risk any team would be willing to take to bend the rules with salary cap unless it's legitimate

  27. This will be addressed at the next CBA. Until then, get over it. Some GMs are playing chess while most are playing checkers. In no way shape for form have they done anything wrong. Dry your eyes, ladies, its time for your afternoon naps.

  28. Mark Stone was put on IR February 22nd; he was activated April 22nd. Average recovery time for a Lacerated Spleen is 2 months, so no argument there he was on schedule. His prior two IR assignments were because of back-to-back Back Surgeries. Hate all you want but these injuries are legit and people like yourself shitposting about it is why everyone thinks we're cheating. These are world class athletes with world class health care and physical therapy so to suggest we're cheating and someone like PB outright saying we're fishy on national television is very unprofessional. He's OUR CAPTAIN so even if he isn't 100% he's still gonna play for us cause that's what captains do. The league has had chances to fix these LTIR rules and they didn't. Why??? Cause every good team in the league also takes advantage of LTIR like we do.

  29. I completely agree that what Vegas is doing (and what Tampa di) is legal and within the letter of the rules. I do think that it probably isn't within the spirit of the rules, but that only ever really becomes an issue when things are repeatedly abused. Can we all agree that (legal or not) the optics aren't great for Vegas or the NHL?

  30. Enjoying all the salty comments here. Suck it up and pray fervently for your team to make it to the finals and win the Stanley Cup.

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