@Islanders de New York

Sujet d’après-match : Hurricanes de la Caroline @ Islanders de New York

Sujet du jeu : Hurricanes de la Caroline @ Islanders de New York 25 avril 2024 19h30

[NHL.com Gamecenter](https://www.nhl.com/gamecenter/car-vs-nyi/2024/04/25/2023030143) UBS Arena Networks : ESPN2 SN360 TVAS BSSO MSGSN Besoin d’aide pour trouver la bonne chaîne ? [Click here](https://www.nhl.com/islanders/news/where-to-watch-islanders-games-540900) *** | Horloge | |:–:| |Finale | Équipes | 1er | 2ème | 3ème | Total | |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| | VOITURE | 2 | 1 | 0 | 3 | | JNI | 0 | 2 | 0 | 2 | **Résumé des scores** | Période | Temps | Équipe | Force | Descriptif | |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–| | 1 | 04:46 | VOITURE | Même | [Brent Burns (1) Wrist, Assists: Martin Necas (2) Teuvo Teravainen (1) ](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6351768722112)| | 1 | 10h25 | VOITURE | Même | [Dmitry Orlov (1) Wrist, Assists: Andrei Svechnikov (3) Jake Guentzel (2) ](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6351767466112)| | 2 | 02:48 | JNI | Même | [Pierre Engvall (1) Wrist, Assists: Anders Lee (2) Adam Pelech (1) ](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6351771933112)| | 2 | 07:14 | VOITURE | Même | [Sebastian Aho (2) Wrist, Assists: Andrei Svechnikov (4) Jalen Chatfield (1) ](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6351771740112)| | 2 | 17h39 | JNI | Même | [Brock Nelson (1) Wrist, Assists: Kyle Palmieri (1) Ryan Pulock (1) ](https://players.brightcove.net/6415718365001/EXtG1xJ7H_default/index.html?videoId=6351771759112)| **Pénalités** | Période | Temps | Équipe | Tapez | Min | Descriptif | |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–| | 1 | 13h24 | VOITURE | MINIMUM | 2 | Dmitry Orlov ingérence contre Brock Nelson | | 1 | 18h57 | JNI | BEN | 2 | Trop d’hommes sur la glace servie par Pierre Engvall | | 2 | 18h37 | VOITURE | MINIMUM | 2 | Jack Drury tient contre Mike Reilly | | 2 | 19h45 | JNI | MINIMUM | 2 | Noah Dobson s’en prend à Jordan Staal | | Équipe | Plans | Mise au jeu % | Tirs bloqués | Clics | |:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:|:–:| | VOITURE | 22 | 39,58 | 15 | 22 | | JNI | 31 | 60.42 | 21 | 40 | *** ^Ce ^a été ^créé ^par ^un ^bot. ^Pour ^des problèmes ^ou des ^suggestions ^veuillez ^envoyer un message ^u/NYIMOD. ^Ce ^bot ^devait ^être ^réécrit ^à partir de ^la base ^vers le haut. ^S’il vous plaît ^soyez ^patient ^pendant que ^les ^bugs ^sont ^écrasés ^et ^des améliorations ^sont ^apportées. ^Dernière mise à jour : ^2024-04-25_22:21:32.600220-04:00



  1. USAJourneyman

    Sorokin lost that game single handedly for us

    Sorry not sorry

  2. jimoiser

    My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined

  3. Jcanzo37

    They started caring way too late, guess they didn’t get the memo that it’s playoffs

  4. checknate1

    That was a terrible 6 on 5… god damn

    2-11 against the canes in the playoffs is BRUTAL

  5. tedsmarmalademporium

    Takeaways- 1) we tried hard 2) we’re still dear friends

  6. BrandonNeider

    caps win tommorow, we win saturday just to delay the pain

  7. liguy181

    Not even a bad game really, but considering the context of the series, this fucking blows. Shoutout to Mike Reilly for being fantastic though, I need him on the team next season

  8. Stylist7287064

    I have tix for Saturday… I’m not excited …

  9. CTrebor3

    New York Islanders: never get a goal when it matters

  10. that last minute proved we didnt deserve to win this game. dumping it killed 20 seconds. screening our own goalie is what really lost us the game.

  11. I’m not gonna pin the loss on Sorokin but man there’s no way Roy can justify starting him again on Saturday

  12. lionkevin713

    The worst part about being down 3-0 is they were all winnable games smh

  13. deathops

    It would be nice to see them win 1 or 2 but this babies pretty settled at this point. Need more from that top line

  14. fprincipe

    God please just let us die already this is so painful.

  15. islesrule224

    Sometimes it just sucks to root for this team because they either don’t help themselves or don’t get any help. Maybe one of these days things will click for enough time for something special to happen.

  16. NickCharlesYT

    I came into this series with no expectations and I’m still leaving disappointed.

  17. Datdude_717

    3rd period was the best they looked in a while. Too little too late. Get that energy going from the opening faceoff

  18. Apprehensive_Drag885

    Are we even playing? I’m seriously not sure


    Andersen has to be on every serum and PED known to man this series good god

  20. priester85

    Number one issue for me tonight is the start. They needed to come out guns blazing. I thought they played 50ish good minutes but shot themselves in the foot early.

    The other issue, which I’m sure is going to get all the attention is starting Sorokin over Varly. Some of that is hindsight, but Varly was not the issue in the first 2 games. He’s been your guy down the stretch.

  21. Sorokin Barzal and Horvat are all trash in the playoffs on pretty much « max » contracts. This is a literal retirement home because all of these players are never getting another contract.

  22. JoeBenigno

    Roy starting Sorokin over Varly then needing to pull Sorokin is just an all time bad move. Varly had been good and pulling Sorokin crushes him. Maybe he can use it as fuel next year.

  23. Butchs_Dirty_Area

    Just lose on Saturday. Don’t you dare make me watch any more than absolutely necessary. 

  24. optional-email

    6 on 5 was literally worse than useless

    they burned at least two minutes trying to set up and get varlamov off the ice, two minutes that could have been used for three shifts of pressing carolina into the o-zone

  25. islesjets14x

    We look painfully slow and old against this team. I try not to use that narrative but I can’t help but notice that

  26. Feeling_Giraffe_1784

    Biggest takeaway no empty goal against

  27. JoeBenigno

    Playoff team that likely shouldn’t have made the playoffs looks awful in the playoffs. More at 11.

  28. This team is about to go to the pre-Tavares days unfortunately. We are cooked.

  29. sorrybutyou_arewrong

    This team needs to get better, faster players. That’s it. They are slow, can’t establish possession. I’ve been watching this team just dump the puck for so many years. On top of that, too many passes aren’t crisp. Sure, you can take a bunch like this pretty fucking far with a coach like Trotz, but even he could’ve used a premier player. Thats the other thing, we have a lot of pieces, some are nearly too old, but we have pieces, we just don’t really have THE GUY. I love Barzal, he’s fun to watch and makes plays, but he’s not a high end scorer. Horvat is too slow to be that guy. The team just needs to rebuild otherwise we’ll likely be in this position next year, on the cusp.

    Thankfully the Yankees are swinging.

  30. Brilliant-Chapter202

    I hate to say it… but play Sorokin tomorrow, let’s see if he has any burning fight in him after today.

  31. jcanada22

    Sorokin not good, most of the point producers not good. Horvat has been ok, Engvall has been great, McLean has been solid, pelech has been terrible, Dobson pretty weak. Varly has been a machine. They just don’t have any bite. Game, set, match. They’ll be toast on Saturday.

  32. Dr_RickShaw

    This team looks cooked and I’m not sure what the long term solution is. Not sure if they’d have beaten any team in the East outside of the Caps

  33. ArchieInABunker

    I’m ready to start looking towards the upsides of next season

    Also it’s very odd that we could see as many as 5 teams get swept in the 1st round this year

  34. cryptacle

    Love this team but we’re old and slow, clearly one step behind. Bad call on starting Sorokin plus a muffled crowd didn’t help.

    Hoping to delay the inevitable on Saturday with a W. Cause I ain’t selling my tickets at a 90% loss. I’d rather show up and give this team some energy.

    But when MacLean and Reilly are showing the most grit, sheesh, something has gotta change.

  35. No_Opportunity_8068

    Gonna go to Game 4 on Saturday as it will probably be the last game I see in person this season. Enjoy one last game. Been one hell of a ride, that’s a for sure.

  36. TheOlMuskrat

    A lot of our faults and issues on the back end could be forgotten a bit if we had legit goal scorers…yes we have guys that score goals but when you put us up against any lineup in this playoffs, yeesh. That said, if you know you don’t have it, the D just has to be better. It’s embarrassing watching us try to move up ice.

  37. IslesDynasty79-83

    i didnt watch the game at all but from reading box score. chalk up another big game where Barzal didnt even bother to show up. if he is going to be like this then just trade him for a player that actually going to show up when it counts the most

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