@Coyotes de l'Arizona

Vérification d’autographe ?

Hé, mon Yote me parle encore mdr. Question pour vous les gars, ces autographes sur ce maillot semblent-ils légitimes ? Le vendeur dit qu’ils n’ont pas été vérifiés, mais qu’ils ont obtenu le maillot d’un détenteur d’abonnement de longue date. Et désolé si ce n’est pas le bon sous pour poster ceci



  1. Azcollector

    There’s almost no chance these are fake they all look too natural. Faking one persons signature is hard enough but doing that 20+ times is another story.

    I see doan on Howler’s head and Ik for sure its good. Yandle in the top left

  2. xothisgirlxo

    This is something so awesome to have!!!

  3. okwowverygood

    If it’s priced as if they are verified move on. If it’s a deal buy it.

    There’s no way to know.

  4. poopshorts

    On the right titty (left if you’re looking at it) there’s a Keith Yandle signature. 26 in the middle is Joel Perrault so this team was somewhere in 06-10.

    They’re too real to be fake sigs and half of them are nobodies tbh

  5. DeadEnd3001

    💯 real. That’s definitely Doaner in the skull. Can’t miss that signature anywhere.

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