@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Réaction des Maple Leafs contre les Bruins en direct après le match 3 | Discussion sur les feuilles

JD Bunkis, Sam McKee et Justin Bourne réagiront au match éliminatoire de ce soir entre les Maple Leafs de Toronto et les Bruins de Boston immédiatement après le coup de sifflet final ! ————————————————— Abonnez-vous à Sportsnet sur YouTube – http://sprtsnt.ca/2paAT2L Visitez Sportsnet.ca pour plus de nouvelles et de faits saillants sur les sports – http://www.sportsnet.ca Suivez Sportsnet sur Facebook – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTFB Suivez Sportsnet sur Twitter – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTTWTR Suivez Sportsnet sur Instagram – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTINST Suivez Sportsnet sur Snapchat – http://sprtsnt.ca/YTSNAP Suivez Sportsnet sur TikTok – http://sprtsnt.ca/ YTTIKTOK Regardez Sportsnet sur Sportsnet maintenant – http://sportsnet.ca/now ———————————- ———— Sportsnet est le réseau sportif numéro 1 au Canada. Votre maison pour les derniers moments forts, les dernières nouvelles sportives, des interviews approfondies d’athlètes, des podcasts de pointe, des diffusions en direct et bien plus encore. Ne manquez pas un seul but marquant, un énorme home run, un dunk exceptionnel ou un touché époustouflant. Obtenez des informations exclusives et des informations de pointe sur le secteur avec un accès inégalé. Apprenez à connaître une autre facette de vos superstars sportives préférées dans des interviews comiques uniques et décalées. Sportsnet est le guichet unique pour le fan qui sommeille en chacun de nous. ———————————————- #LNH #MapleLeafs de Toronto #CoupeStanley #Leafs #MapleLeafs #LeafsNation #Toronto #Boston #Bruins


  1. They weren't anything more than normal last year, but they ran into a hurt goalie that had been overused and unrested for years and years. He was clearly not Vas last year, and you did what playoff teams need to… take advantage. However, if he played like he had in previous years you lose that series too.

  2. Good momentum in the Leafs home barn never goes the Leafs way lately. Everytime there’s noise and cheering the Leafs get carried away and something bad happens


  4. Sam Mkee!……. Please find another Barber!!!!!!!!…. He obviously doesn’t know how to cut hair!

  5. Wow I got to 0:40 and I hate to turn this off. 1) I'm going to say this as I think the announcers tried to sell it. 5on4 or PKs and PP are not entertaining they are some of the most boring hockey out there. Its legit watching soccer or baseball when the teams are warming up and tossing the ball around. 5 on 5 is real hockey. That being said they officiating of tonight game was the major major offsetting factor to the Bruins wins that is all I am going to say.

  6. I bet Marner can't wait for the playoffs to be over. He is so uncomfortable playing playoff hockey. If he could just play Reg season hockey, he would love it.

  7. Leafs need more guys like Marshand and Debra's and less guys like Willie and Marner the first two guys I mentioned play their heart out when the game's matter most. The last two guys only show up when they want to and disappear when the games really matter

  8. Refs were not a factor at all in this game. Stop wasting your time. McAvoy got a stick in the face right in front of everyone with no call. It went both ways, Bruins capitalized, and Leafs didn't.

  9. You leaf fans are wild with you and the refs, you guys went 0-5 in the PP and the bruins couldn’t buy a call lol and y’all still loss stop crying

  10. The fans are meh cause they've seen this show before. Leafs make playoffs, lose to Bruins in first round because they just aren't good enough

  11. Just another typical muffin that a Leafs goalie lets in during the playoffs, it’s more predictable than our special teams being complete crap. I really think with Willy and McMann in the lineup, we’re at least 2-1 up in this series but alas, the curse continues.

  12. Hey JD, Justin, and Sam — there’s nothing wrong with the Leafs powerplay. The Bruins PK and goaltending have just performed better. It’s that simple.
    The Leafs averaged 0.75 expected PP goals per game during the regular season. During these three playoff games, the Leafs are averaging 1.20 expected PP goals per game. So, why aren’t the Leafs converting more PP, then? Bruins goaltending and PK personnel are just outplaying the Leafs’ PP.

  13. Immature leafs talk from sam and bunkis. Talking over each other the whole time, cutting off bourney who was clearly getting annoyed with it too along with the long run-on joking around. Was less about post-game analysis and more about the two boys trying to get their opinions and personalities in the spotlight. I get passion and that, but that was cringy, especially when it’s going through sportsnet you’d think there would be more composure

  14. Played well defensively? After Marchand's go ahead goal 18 seconds after the Leafs tied it 2-2 , Toronto could not get out of their end with almost 6 minutes to play and even turned it over behind their net! And don't get me started on the ref's once again dictating the narrative of the Leafs storyline with questionable officiating (this time a call as opposed to '93!) with the game on the line?

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