@Ducks d'Anaheim

Teemu Selanne remporte le tour de la victoire à Anaheim

L’attaquant des Ducks d’Anaheim Teemu Selanne remercie les partisans du Honda Center lors de son dernier match de saison régulière en tant que Duck.


  1. Woow this video sends shivers down my spine! As a wings fan I have gained respect for these two teams and I wish them the best of luck in the playoffs but most importantly temmu have a great retirement and these playoffs I hope you light it up!

  2. they are probably going to retire both giguere's number and selanne's number. selanne had a 14 year career with the ducks if i were to list out all his achievements with the ducks I'd be writing till the new year. giguere carried them through the 2003 Stanley Cup Playoffs which he won the Conn-Smyth and he then won the cup in 2007.

  3. I love it how he wanted to share the moment with Giguere like that. It's probably his last regular season game aswell. That's Teemu for you.

  4. Awesome send off!  The Canucks also came out when Ryan Smyth did his retirement celebration lap and showed their props.. It's nice to see such class, dignity and respect in a sports setting. All too often these days, it's about "me, me, me".  Also, considering the intensity and violent nature of hockey, it shows that what goes on the ice, stays on the ice (for the most part!)..  Teemu and Ryan Smyth – those are role models!

  5. Can't stop looking at this video even though the season is over. Teemu threw a practice puck to my son this game (his normal tradition of throwing 5-10 pucks before each game), which made my son's season. Also great was each time Teemu took a shift, many of us Ducks fans stood and gave him a standing ovation. But the Jiggy thing was so Teemu and so classy. Kudo's to the AV's for staying out as well to give him his due. Foo Fighter's Hero will never sound the same again.

  6. OMG 2:44 – when they smiled at each other I had a tear in my eye…. two great sportsman. Does anyone know if they were avs players at the same time??

  7. Notice how sharp Selanne's timing is- both with grabbing Giguere and the the triumphant hand raise. No coincidence lol.

  8. Was this Giguere’s last game coincidentally too or was Teemu just bringing him out because they were teammates in anaheim?

  9. Man even as a nucks fan. Watching these two do their lap while "there goes my hero" is playing. Brings a tear to my eye

  10. The Finnish Gentleman. Not a Mighty Ducks fan, but this Moment is the meaning Oficina greatness.

  11. I was there when Jiggy made his first visit back at Honda Center with the Avalanche. I've never heard the Honda Center so loud during his applause after his tribute. I wish I could've been there for this victory lap.

  12. To me still one of the greatest moments in sports. For all those idiots who can’t stand people wearing another teams jersey, this is how its done! Respect

  13. What an absolute rockstar.
    Giving up part of his spotlight for Giguere only amplifies his legend. Proof the greatest amongst us are made so because they lift others up.

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