@Panthers de la Floride

Les Panthers devraient-ils être les favoris pour remporter la Coupe Stanley ?

Comment les Panthers se comparent-ils aux autres équipes des séries éliminatoires encore en vie dans la Conférence Est ? Les Panthers sont-ils un favori légitime de la Coupe Stanley ? Steven Stamkos sera-t-il de retour avec Tampa Bay la saison prochaine ? Jamie McLennan, analyste de TSN LNH, rejoint SC avec Jay Onrait pour en discuter.


  1. If the Panthers are the favorites and are guaranteed to win the Stanley Cup, then why play the games then? Stop wasting everyone's time and award them the Stanley Cup already. The Panthers have made the playoffs unwatchable and boring since everyone knows the ending. Hockey fans says baseball is boring but I'd argue the NHL playoffs is even more boring as the Panthers won the Stanley Cup before the playoffs even began. What's the point of watching the playoffs if the winner has already been predetermined by the media? Baseball better than hockey because there is more parity in baseball than there is in hockey.

  2. Final will be Edm v fla or NYR. Outcome will depend on skinner matching the Russian goalies.

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