@Canucks de Vancouver

Les Canucks de Vancouver sont d' »ÉNORMES FRAUDES »

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  1. we just beat Nashville with our rookie goalkeeper I don’t think Nashville has a chance and I’m confident with my statement lol

  2. The way I see luck in hockey is that there is no such thing. The puck has crazy bounces, but the best in the league can read those bounces and make plays off of them. Sure some people are just in the right place at the right time, but being in the right place is a skill on its own. You also need the reaction time to even capitalize on those opportunities, and people seem to think it's either good or bad luck that makes those things happen when in reality it's skill. The Canucks move the puck well and they have a good core, it was a matter of time before they got the puck sliding their way.

  3. It seems PDO is a hugely overrated stat. Yes, the Canucks have the highest PDO, but looks at the top 5 season PDO:
    1. Vancouver Canucks 102.9
    2. Winnipeg Jets 102.7
    3. Boston Bruins 102.6
    4. New York Rangers 102.0
    5. Dallas Stars 101.8

    It's difficult to seriously argue that the Bruins, Rangers, and the Stars are in the playoffs because they're frauds. So let's accept for the sake of argument that Vancouver and Winnipeg are frauds (because I've heard that said about the Jets too). So 2 of 5 are frauds. In other words, PDO is about as useful a predictive tool for identifying teams who are playing above their class as a coin flip.

    I like the idea of PDO reflecting a culture, though, there seems to be a little more merit to that when you sort the league by PDO, though it's still not perfect.

  4. The PDO is in part luck but it's also sign of teams with good goalies!? The top 3 teams in PDO…were Vancouver,Winnipeg,and Boston and I don't think it's a coincidence that each of those teams has great goaltending and their goalies r among the top goalies in the league!? Vancouver has Demko, Winnipeg has Hellebyuck,and Boston has Swayman & Ullmark!!!??

  5. All you have to see is sissoons missing the open net. All luck. They have been outplayed for 3 games and the only reason why they are up is because Nashville is shooting them selfs in the foot. You can throw all these stats and other things you described in this Video but the fact of the matter is they like the devils last year were extremely lucky and healthy for most of them year. You have to be very lucky to win the amount of games they did this year. Great team but very very lucky

  6. The D was a big upgrade, no longer are you relying on a few #8s for 2nd pairings.
    Fwds got some upgrades too. Systems. Demko not injured for most of the year, great backup for first half to 3/4 of season, then was still good.

  7. Morrison is such a great guy, got to meet him a couple of times at CAN-AM events, meet bertuzzi as well, he is also a very very nice guy

  8. Well, the Canucks have delivered this year (fan since they joined the NHL–old school). Great interviews, btw. But not Frauds, just kinda unexpected interlopers. Not too terrified Team is about the goaltending situation–although activating Silovs this early is a bit…alarming. Team is strong. Love to see it. Work to be done…

  9. Luck or not, I think the one thing that separates the good teams from the decent teams is that good teams capitalize on their luck. Did we get lucky that the puck hit the post at the end? Sure, but we capitalized on that luck and turned it into a win. An ok team would have still lost.

  10. 16:52 "Only one of them would become a Star." This is true in both ways…Kevin Connauton is the only player he drafted who played for the Dallas Stars (from a 2 minute scan). It's possible some more of them played for the Texas Stars and never reached the NHL though, didn't bother verifying all of the players who never played in the NHL.

  11. I’m confused what analysts had Nashville as favourites in the series? Not one I read did, and Vegas had Canucks as favourites to win that series.

  12. loved hearing your guys opinions. I grew up on the West Coast Express line!! Brendan Morrison, Todd Bertuzzi and Markus Naslund will always hold a special place in my hockey heart.

  13. I picked Vancouver to come out of the West but that was with Demko in net. It’s gonna be interesting to see how they play without him or DeSmith back there. Silovs was great in Game 4 but he’s still a wildcard at this point if he has to play the rest of the series

  14. First and foremost, it's sad when a title depicts a message that a hockey team is fraud when that team is doing everything possible to win a playoff game. We have to remember that any team in this playoff has a chance to win the Stanley Cup. Now if an underdog wins the Stanley Cup does that mean they are frauds too?

  15. It is important to note that although Mikeyev, Suter, and Lafferty are not producing, they are beastly defensively, they rarely make mistakes in the D zone. So, yes, we are overpaying for 4th liners, but at least they are not hurting us on the ice. Kuzmenko had to go, he did not buy in. During the high PDO time, if you actually looked at the goals, many of them were incredible chances, like open nets where you would have been UNLUCKY to not score. I think the PDO people were not actually watching the games.

  16. Well as a huge rangers fan for 30 years I honestly picked Nashville as my surprise team. If they got ANY type of goaltending they could’ve beat Vancouver. Total collapse by saros

  17. wouldnt mind a vancouver/boston rematch, saw some canucks fans on twitter saying they need to get rid of pettersson, like hey we need a center, ill jump to have Petey on the team

  18. luck is, when skill becomes a habit 😉

    also regarding drafting "skill" its also up to the development pipeline right? I would love to see you dive into that topic
    "Drafting vs Developing" of players

  19. This year's Canucks reminded me of last year's New Jersey, except Vancouver has a better goalie, and that's mostly a regular season comparison.

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