@Oilers d'Edmonton

La mouture du premier tour s’installe | 32 pensées

Jeff Marek et Elliotte Friedman parlent de tout ce qui se passe lors des séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley, de la victoire des Bruins de Boston 3-1 contre les Maple Leafs à la victoire des Oilers contre les Kings. ———————————————- 0:00 – Jeff Marek et Elliotte Friedman ouvrent cette édition du podcast 32 Thoughts en parlant de la victoire des Oilers contre les Kings lors du quatrième match pour prendre une avance de 3-1 dans la série. 6:45 – Ils explorent également ce qui pourrait arriver aux Kings de Los Angeles s’ils s’inclinent face aux Oilers pour une troisième saison consécutive. Ils parlent ensuite du retour épique en fin de match des Canucks de Vancouver pour vaincre les Predators de Nashville et prendre également un 3 -1 plomb série. 16:34 – Cela laisse place à une conversation autour des Maple Leafs de Toronto, qui se retrouvent derrière les Bruins de Boston 3-1 alors que les esprits s’échauffent sur le banc lors du quatrième match. 23:32 – Est-ce que ce sera la fin d’une époque à Toronto ? Finalement, ils touchent à la dernière équipe canadienne, les Jets de Winnipeg, qui après avoir remporté leur premier match de série contre l’Avalanche du Colorado sont dans un trou de 3-1. 35:48 – Dans la seconde moitié de l’émission, Jeff et Elliotte interviennent dans les affrontements américains. Premièrement, ils mettent en avant la série Dallas Stars-Vegas Golden Knights. 39:50 – Ensuite, les gars racontent comment le Tampa Bay Lighting a évité l’élimination contre les Panthers de la Floride. 43:26 – Cela fait place à la série Rangers-Capitals qui a vu New York éliminer l’équipe d’Alex Ovechkin des séries éliminatoires. Jeff et Elliotte se demandent si ce sera la dernière participation d’Ovi aux séries éliminatoires de la Coupe Stanley. 52:07 – Ils terminent le podcast en plongeant dans la série Islanders-Hurricanes où New York a également évité l’élimination. Envoyez le podcast par courriel à 32thoughts@sportsnet.ca ou appelez la ligne de réflexion du Montana au 1-833-311-3232 et laissez-nous un message vocal. Ce podcast a été produit et mixé par Dominic Sramaty et animé par Jeff Marek et Elliotte Friedman. Les points de vue et opinions exprimés dans ce balado sont ceux des animateurs et des invités et ne reflètent pas nécessairement la position de Rogers Sports & Media ou de ses sociétés affiliées. ————————————————— 📺 http:/ /sportsnetplus.ca – Diffusez en direct sur Sportsnet+ 💻 http://www.sportsnet.ca – Plus de nouvelles et de faits saillants sur Sportsnet.ca https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVhibwHk4WKw4leUt6JfRLg https://www.facebook.com /sportsnet https://twitter.com/sportsnet https://www.instagram.com/sportsnet/ https://www.tiktok.com/@sportsnet ————— ——————————- Sportsnet est le réseau sportif numéro 1 au Canada. Votre maison pour les derniers moments forts, les dernières nouvelles sportives, des interviews approfondies d’athlètes, des podcasts de pointe, des diffusions en direct et bien plus encore. Ne manquez pas un seul but marquant, un énorme home run, un dunk exceptionnel ou une fin de combat choquante. Obtenez des informations exclusives et des informations de pointe sur le secteur avec un accès inégalé. Apprenez à connaître une autre facette de vos superstars sportives préférées dans des interviews comiques uniques et décalées. Sportsnet est le guichet unique pour le fan qui sommeille en chacun de nous. —————————————————


  1. Toronto needs to change everything from the uniform crest to the center ice logo.

  2. The LEAFS remind me of Justin Castro very very self absorbed/ delusional clowns.🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 I'm a fan of the Leafs trust me you deserve it Karma is a b****.🙏

  3. The issue Canucks fans have with ‘kick’ goals like that is the important one that got ruled no goal on the sedins all those years ago.

    Canucks fans don’t forget 🤣🤣

  4. 3 years of Edmonton vs LA is the perfect example of why the NHL needs to go to the traditional 1-8 playoff seeding

  5. With Matthews likely out, perhaps the Leafs will find the motivation they so desperately need. ✔️

  6. I preferred when 32 thoughts was a thought on each team.

    Especially during playoffs.

    Feels now like 32 thoughts is basically 31 thoughts about the eastern conference and an after thought about the west.

  7. Honestly, the rule should be if it's DIRECTED into the net by anything other than a stick (so using your skate, or any other part of your body) then it's no goal. It's one thing if it bounces on off of you into the net, it's another if you're using your body to act as your stick instead of your stick. It's not like Forsberg couldn't have tapped it in as his stick was right there, he moved his foot forward to push it into the net, that's still a distinct kicking motion and therefore no goal.

  8. How have you guys still not figured out the delay on this podcast? its damn near unlistenable how often Marek and Elliotte are talking over each other

  9. A punch stop!? 😅 Marek just makes terms up. The Calgary Flames got game 5 of the series against the oilers taken away from them when Blake Coleman did the exact same thing. Moved his foot towards the puck without his blade leaving the ice (ON A PUCK THAT WAS ALREADY GOING IN). If the Forsberg goal is good, then the Flames should be granted a game 5 victory and that series should still be going

  10. At the end of the weekend, we learned only one team has that killer instinct. Panthers? No, they stopped mid-feeding to play with their food. Canes? Nah, they weakened to a Tropical Depression. The Rangers? Yeah. They did what no other team with a 3-0 lead could do, and that's finish the sweep.

  11. lol watch that Forsberg goal again and tell me it was a punch stop… if so my poor skating can pass as a punch stop! That's as clear a kick as it gets … why not just legalize kicking it in? It's a skilled play.

  12. People are somehow surprised paying over half of your cap to 4 players didn't produce better results? That's hysterical

  13. If you dont hit mackinnon or makar you dont win the series. Lowry had makar lined up and he spun off for a change, then makar went coast to coast and scored. Make them pay physically, they are not at full speed all the time.

    They will either dallas or vegas next round, you can bet they will be on their butts a lot more than this series.

  14. Really, no mention of Lindholm? Missing for 2 years in Calgary, missing for 3 months in Vancouver, and has reappeared with a vengeance.

  15. I am a Canucks fan and I thought it was a good goal. The people who think it was a kick have never tried to stop while skating hard, your skates skip across the ice, and ya, he angled his skate, but that's what it is.

  16. Elliotte's theory about skate on ice makes no sense. You mean it's impossible to kick with the blade on the ice in a scraping motion or with your toe straight ahead?

  17. As much as the Oilers power-play is killing the Kings, just as impressive if not more is the Oilers PK is smashing it.

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