@Lightning de Tampa Bay

Cooper se prononce sur les objectifs annulés

Cooper se prononce sur les objectifs annulés



  1. Wayf4rer

    An exercise in futility at this point, but I think we got robbed of a fair shake to win the game tonight when they overturned the would be equalizer. Would we have lost anyways? Yeah, probably. But these calls are game changing and the inconsistency is just becoming too big of a factor to ignore.

  2. 2min4cc

    NHL officiating is so insane year after year. Happens to many a team it seems. Both teams have to deal with it but sometimes it looks like its tilted. You dont win Cups without getting some bounces though. WE certainly had a few.

  3. 322vette

    Not going into the 3rd period tied at 2-2 was a killer, just like not scoring on a 4-minute PP in G2 was also.

  4. Artimus_Gordon

    best qoute – « we might as well put skirts on em then »

  5. Mayflower023

    The New York rangers have been fined 50 million dollars

  6. BanditPixy

    r/hockey is currently in full meltdown over this lmao

  7. Antilock049

    This series had three disallowed goals in 5 games. I can’t remember that happening in recent history. 

    It doesn’t necessarily change the outcome but it does matter. Especially with the goon shit teams normally get away with. 

  8. Blawn14

    Lmfao r/Hockey trying to spin this as Coop being misogynistic. That sub is off its rocker.

  9. No-Doctor-4396

    I hate seeing the NHL go towards what the NFL did with protecting QB’s on everything. No one can hit a QB anymore its basically flag football. If a goalie gets bumped or touched it shouldn’t affect the outcome especially when the other team is engaging with the player. It should have to be blatant goalie interference to overturn a goal.

  10. SignificanceTimely20

    Does anyone know how many total goals were taken away from the lightning this year? Regular and post season.

  11. RedsBucsBolts

    Just remember tkachuk elbowed Vasy in the head on a goal and we lost that challenge in this series

  12. Uller85

    It was a nothing, throw away comment that completely takes away from Cooper’s excellent analysis of the situation.

  13. IntrepidSwan7932

    A little transphobic don’t yah think? Kinda makes me lose respect for him.

  14. I’mma repost what I put up in /r/hockey but then add some « Bolts fans only » thoughts because this is the safe space

    > Bad look. I expected a more measured response since he stated he would address it at the end. Bad wording choice, bad messaging, and just bad overall presentation of his thoughts.

    > I think this was an especially frustrating series loss for him for some reason. It’s okay to be frustrated with the outcome, but you gotta have better aesthetics than this because at the end of the day no one is going to give a shit about your concept in arguing about the conditions to qualify goaltender interference if you have an absolute shit way of presenting that idea.

    Say what you will about it, but press conferences are going to be digested under a microscope and it’s FOR SURE a bad look to make a gender assessment about sports. It’s the age we live in and it doesn’t really jive with the « hockey is for everyone » narrative. Furthermore, women’s professional hockey is a thing now and it kinda comes off shitty in that direction. This was something I would expect from Torterella and not Cooper.

    That being said, I agree with this underlying sentiment. While you can argue that purely based on how the rules are written, the disallowed goals count as goaltender interference, I still think that both of these disallowed goals are arguably against the spirit of the game. Bob had NO SHOT to make a save on either one of those goals and they were largely his fault for being out of position.

    * Duclair battling out front of the net and his foot encroaching into the paint wouldn’t have changed the fact that Bob attempted to reach OUTSIDE the crease and grabbed Duclair’s leg, ultimately tying up Bob making it not possible for him to make the secondary save. Duclair’s leg WAS in the crease, BUT Bob did try to grab the puck outside of the crease with his mit and then failed to poke check possession away from Cirelli… AGAIN OUTSIDE OF THE CREASE and allowing the goal. Bob’s commitment to play the puck around Duclair is what prevented Bob from making the save, NOT Duclair preventing/restricting Bob’s movement.

    * Cirelli getting tied up and bumping Bob/being in the crease is one thing, but to start the play out he [Bob] was cheating to the left to begin with. Cirelli’s contact with Bob didn’t stop Bob from making a save. What stopped Bob from making the save was him making a poor decision to peek/cheat left and not being in a good position to increase his chances at a save. Sergechev’s head fake/deek back to center ice is effectively what sold Bob to peek/cheat left due to the screen out in front of the net. Regardless, even if Bob was in a good position for Serge’s shot, he wouldn’t have saved it. That was just a well fired puck.

    So with regards to Cooper’s central thesis that goaltender interference lends too much assistance to the goaltender, abstracting poor goaltender play, is reasonable, I think his presentation of the idea is shitty.

  15. ShinyVuIpix

    Leafs fan coming in peace. You guys got roasted.

  16. LeviticSaxon

    This is where cats fans and bolts fans can get together. Most men in north america are such girls these days, its insane. And they think floridians are crazy.

  17. johnnydanja

    Couldn’t be happier that he actually addressed this. Those goals getting pulled back absolutely changed momentum of the game. You can’t say going from scoring the first goal to being on a penalty kill with no goal a minute later isn’t demoralizing. Then do that twice in a must win game and tell me you don’t know why they lost this game.

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