@Avalanche du Colorado

Qu’est-ce qui a causé la chute des Jets contre l’Avalanche ?

Après avoir remporté le premier match de la série, les Jets ont perdu quatre matchs consécutifs contre l’Avalanche et ont de nouveau été éliminés au premier tour des séries éliminatoires. Frankie Corrado, analyste de TSN Hockey, rejoint SC avec Jay Onrait pour comprendre où Winnipeg s’est trompé.


  1. It’s not the Jets “not playing their game” Avs were flat out better. These guys on tsn really need to learn to give the other teams credit.
    It’s not always the team you’re cheering for not playing up their potential.

  2. These two didn't mention the AVs out skated, out defended, and out scored the Jets. Oh ya, poor ol Gorgie, the terrible goalie Colorado has out played the Jets' highly lauded goalie. The AVs were the better team. Just say that….

  3. maybe the reason that the Jets never got to playing their game….is because the Avalanche forced them to play how the Avalanche wanted to play. That is what good teams tend to do

  4. No mention of the Avalanche core that won a Stanley cup only 2 years ago . I love the Jets, but they need to find their playoff gear .

  5. The refs accidentally on purpose “missing” ten blatant penalties tonight didn’t help. Pionk being responsible for 14 goals against didnt help. The coaches REFUSAL to play Miller and Schmidt didn’t help. The coaches refusal to play Brousiot didn’t help. The coaches refusal to play Ehlers on the top line, fix the PK, PP it devise a play for Makar, Nikushin and McKinnon didn’t help. Shooting 99^ % of your shots DIRECTLY INTO Geiorgiev DIDNT help. Refusal to play Brad Lambert or Ville Heinoka didn’t help. Shall I go on?

  6. As an avalanche fan and a resident of Denver… I want to thank the classless fans of Winnipeg for the "pull your goalie" chants in game one, and for booing injured players. You turds gave my boys the motivation they needed to beat your asses 4 games in a row.

    Stay classy, Losers. 😂😂😂😂

  7. When are people going to realize a Canadian team will never win until we change tax laws. We have to overpay good players to keep them and can never build quality depth

  8. Man, it's only cuz they Jets went away from what made them successful?

    They lost because the Avalanche are more talented, better coached, and frankly a stronger team mentally. I could go on but the west better hope the giant wasn't awakened

  9. At least if they resign any of these losers they shouldn't have to pay much since they stunk up the place so bad!!!

  10. That Jets defense was incredibly overrated. Josh Morrissey is the only guy who belonged on the ice with the Avs – everyone else got shredded

  11. The Avs just overwhelm teams. they come in waves n don’t let off even when they are down just like game 1 the jets got lucky

  12. The Jets had a good year but it seems like everyone forgot the Avalanche have a great team with a few of the best players in the league. Perhaps this served as a reminder.

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