@Golden Knights de Vegas

ALEX PIETRANGELO! Vous avez été accusé de ne pas avoir remporté trois coupes Stanley en cinq ans. Comment plaidez-vous ?

ALEX PIETRANGELO! Vous avez été accusé de ne pas avoir remporté trois coupes Stanley en cinq ans. Comment plaidez-vous ?



  1. fromTheskya

    this is so sad he only won two. can we get a ripski for our favorite slasher horror film mascot alex pietrangelo for not being mcjesus?

  2. Wanted_Dead415

    I guess people forgot that the petro penalty happened in the 2nd period and the knights literally had 30 minutes to put one in while dallas was turtling.

    The petro penalty wouldnt have changed a thing in the outcome with how trash the team is playing.

    We need a scape goat though. I guess its human nature. Yes he is playing bad But let it be known that petro had an appendectomy and missed a lot of time with the team and was intrumental in getting the cup for vegas last year. Remember he was being targeted. So while I am not happy with his play and his penalty I am not going to be a douche bag and wish him to leave this team like an unloyal ungrateful fan.

    I also learned that Vegas fans on this sub are terrible and deserve the shitty reputation they have. We do not need cry about it. In the end of the day its just sports. Its fucking embarrassing to be honest. People have no shame these days I guess.

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