@Maple Leafs de Toronto

Ryan Reaves devrait-il faire partie de la formation des Maple Leafs du jeu 6 ? | SDP

Steve Dangle, Adam Wylde et Jesse Blake discutent de la performance de Ryan Reaves jusqu’à présent dans cette série et s’ils pensent qu’il devrait ou non faire partie de l’alignement du sixième match des Maple Leafs de Toronto. Pour les demandes de renseignements générales, envoyez un courriel : info@sdpn.ca Contactez https://www.sdpn.ca/sales pour entrer en contact avec notre équipe de vente et discuter de l’opportunité d’intégrer votre marque dans notre contenu !


  1. Keep Reaves on the line up. With any luck he will stink up the joint and the Leafs will fall apart. If that does not happen, and the Leafs actually drag this series to a Game 7, and heaven forbid, get destroyed by Florida, the long awaited firing of Keefe and Shanahan will be delayed again.

  2. Wrong. If you want to beat the bruins you have to play bully hockey. Stop the nonsense. Take the beebs out you're play list. Its playoffs. Motorhead. Loud and get to playing bully hockey. Peace ✌️ 😎.

  3. Please pronounce Kämpf correctly, it's about time. There's an umlaut on the "a". Steve says it right.

  4. Today I learned that people who follow sdpn are idiots. Reaves can barely skate, but sure keep him in the lineup because 5-10 years ago he was a good fighter

  5. The Leafs always get pushed around more in the playoffs than the regular season. Most teams play a little more aggressively in the playoffs, except the Leafs. They need Reaves in the line up for that reason. I think part of the reason they signed him was to make a presence in the playoffs. He better be playing.

  6. Toronto fans must find something to cry about 24/7 😂

    Where is Austin Matthews ?
    Where is Travares ?
    Where is your goalie ?
    Who is your goalie ? 😂

    All of these new guys just to play round 1. 🤣

    Toronto is a team that needs to stay in the NHL, their fans are epic !
    They cry about everything !

  7. Bench Reeves for whom….Gregor, you’re F****ing mad. If you can’t play him in the third how about double shifting one of the multi millionaires

  8. The Leafs can throw the body a little more if they want to but they'd better be there when they throw it and not three steps back also no dumb chincy penalties. I can't say this enough but they need to remind themselves to win every shift when they are on the ice. The rest will take care of itself.

  9. But maybe its not "that type of series right now" because reaves presence is there and known, just my opinion. i will also say, whats wrong with splitting his 3rd period minutes between willy, marner and tavares?

  10. We should have acquired Corey Perry when he was available, specifically to mess with Brad Marchand. Let's face it, Brad Marchand is a master of mixing it up and getting the other team to take a penalty. I would argue that Corey Perry is that in spades. Also, I think it was Kevin weeks who came up with the nickname "Scorey Perry", but that's not why I like him. I like Corey Perry because he can play Brad Marchand's game better than Brad can. Having said all that, I would love to have Brad Marchand on the Maple Leafs…

  11. It's not about playing in the third….look at the liberties that a Maroon might take without Reeves in the line up

  12. Remember Stamkos on Matthew's last year playoffs….no liberties like that with Reeves in the lineup

  13. O/S of his overtime drive to the net, JT looks done as a 1st-2nd liner. Speed and reflexes sub-par at this point for facing the young kids. If Mathews is back I'd find some way to move him down in the lineup . Don't really need Reaves tonight–but you you better have someone step up if Maroon gets out of hand.

  14. Before game 5 Reeves said, " sports are crazy, anything can happen and he was right, they got the win, now the bruins have last year in their minds. Who knows ? Go B's.

  15. Dewer and Brody cannot be on the ice. There is also a couple other passengers, not for lack of effort, it is just a pure lack of Playoff talent.

  16. Bench!? No. It is worthy of discussion, but the team is better with him. Not totally, but not to bench him. Leafs had an outstanding regular season and I can hang my hat on that.

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